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大学生作文分享 工作——生活的一部分 Work as a Part of Life(收藏)


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People’sattitudes towards work vary. Some people consider work as a way to achieve thevalue of life while others regard it as the whole life and spare no pains topursue a successful career. As far as I am concerned, I consider that work is anecessary and significant part in our lives.


Forone thing, it is impossible for us to live without work. Work is not only ameans to provide for ourselves and our family, but also a chance to achieve ourvalue. We can make a living as well as use and display our ability and talentto achieve our value by work. In addition, we can make some friends and developour interpersonal relationship by work to enrich our lives. Those who have nowork will find that their lives are so boring and insignificant.


Foranother, we should be aware of that work is just a means to achieve the valueof life but cannot replace life itself totally. Therefore, we should enjoy ourwork so that we can enjoy our lives better.


Allin all, I advocate that work is a part of life. Thus, we should avoid being theslaves of work.



大学生作文分享 生活的压力The Stress of Life(必备)

Those who live in cities around the world are likely going to have similar experiences about living and the associated challenges regardless of their location on the globe. Most of these challenges revolve around stress which studies have shown is a part of living. Regardless of what you do and your profession and place stress is not avoidable but could be minimized. Those who see stress as an enemy will probably live an irritable life which is quite unnecessary.


How then do we cope with stress? I am going to give you tips that have helped and are still helping me in coping with life in the city of Lagos Nigeria, the most populous African city, where orientation of people is quite different in many ways about stress and living with others.


1. Wrong views on stress

1 正确地认识压力

Get the right meanings and impression on stress. Those who misconstrued some daily activities or physical exercises as stress will likely be over burdened by what stress is not. You could read up some literatures, journals, or visit some websites and publications like this website to get to know more on stress. I believe when you can relate your activities and place them in right perspectives on what stress is then you could avoid being overwhelmed by some wrong thoughts about it.


2. Do not make stress an issue

2 不要过分担心压力

Those who will readily be devastated by stress are those who see it as an issue. It is better to ride on the wave of stress rather than be consumed and overtaken by it. So do not see stress as a problem but as a challenge of living that can be handled and live with, with few consequences.


3. Schedule your activities right

3 合理安排好你的活动

It may sounds strange to be advised on scheduling your activities which you have been doing for many years. If you have been bothered by stress then I think it is advisable to reappraise your activities in the light of this understanding in order to identify some probable flaws that may hitherto be hidden. It could be revealing. Do not therefore live on assumption but know that the way you schedule your activities can out blow the impact of stress on you. For instance schedule only the number of activities you could take per day. Do not over estimate your abilities but take only the number of activities you think you could successfully carry out in a day. An uncompleted task could leave you spent.


大学生作文分享 生活与风俗 Life and custom

Nowadays people's life develops quite rapidly. Many things have changed over the last century. Old buildings are relaced by skyscrapers. Telephone, air-conditioner, TV, digital camera, computer and the Internet have taken their place in our life. We have stepped into Information Age. We are always enjoying the newest digital products. With all these hi-tech products, people are leading a more and more colorful life. They are enjoying life more than ever in their spare time. They can watch movies, surf the Internet, take a holiday and so on. How different the present life is from the previous one when people couldn't even feed themselves. What's more, it differs a lot as well in transportation. Various modern means of transpot have taken the place of human feet and horses. People can take aeroplanes, subways, even maglevs and so on. They offer people much convenience. That is to say, people needn't feel worried for wasting a great deal of time travelling any more. However, while people are enjoying the changes caused by hi-tech, something still remains the same. For example, those traditional customs and festivals, especially the custom that people gather to have dinner as well as ethical culture forms like Peking Opera, ancient architecture and traditional food. Peking Opera is spreading throughout. As to ancient architecture like Siheyuan and Hutong, people are still preserving them well as the symbol of the whole nationality's historical culture. As for traditional food, people are still used to eating it. Even though the world has been extremely highly developed and there are many foreign cultures are pouring into China, traditional food is still the mainstream. So, I think, although those hi-tech products bring along uNPRecedented creature comfort, traditional cultures will stay unchanged and they will develop further. And on the original basis, it must creat miracles one after another, because it belongs to the souls of our Chinese nationality.


大学生作文分享 城市生活与乡村生活 City Life & Country Life【精】

There's a great differencebetween city life and country life in population. Big cities are so crowded,while in the countryside, there are much fewer people.


People in big cities are nice,friendly and helpful. They are polite to strangers. When you get lost, they arewilling to show you the right directions. When you're hurt in an accident,they're also eager to send you to hospital at once. However, citizens don'tknow each other so well, because most of them are busy with earning theirbread. While in the countryside, things are much more different. Almosteveryone is so familiar with each other. They always say hello to each other onthe way. Even though you are strangers, they also talk to you like old friends.And they are also happy to invite you to dinner in their homes.


Maybe most people like the bigcities, because of the good living conditions. But I prefer to live in thecountryside, for it's much quieter and more peaceful. In the morning, I can liein the bed, listening to the birds singing. It seems like a free concert, whichcan bring me a happy mood. Moreover, I can meet different kinds of peopleoutside. When I greet to them and smile to them, they also do the same to me.It's just a simple life, but the feeling is so great.


精彩英语作文:工作的价值 The Value of Work(收藏)

When it comes to the topic “What’s the value of work?”, different people hold different points of view.


A group of people think that work is just a method for living. They hope that they could spend as little as possible to earn as much money as possible. The more money they make and the less time they spend, the more value the work has. Put that in another way, the value of work is measured in terms of money.一些人认为,工作只是生存的一种手段。他们希望尽可能少花费去赚取更多的钱。花越少的精力和时间赚到越多的钱,工作就越有价值。换个说法,工作的价值是用金钱衡量的。

Some think that we should work for our dreams. We do the job just because we love it. Focusing time and energy on what we love makes us fulfilling. The purpose for which we work should be making contribution to society’s development and at the same time improving ourselves.另一些人则认为,我们应该为理想而工作。我们因为喜欢而做一项工作。把时间和精力放在我们喜欢的事情上让我们感到充实。我们工作的目的应该是在为社会发展做贡献的同时提高自我。

In my opinion, I agree that work is equipment. But that’s not all work of value. When choosing work, we should measure the reward and our dream. I am sure that people would put more efforts into the things they like, and someday they will get anything they deserve in return. And that’s the value of work in my mind.在我看来,我同意工作是生存的一种手段这一说法。但是,那并不是工作的全部价值。在选择工作的时候,我们应该权衡好回报和个人理想。我坚信,人们对于自己喜欢的事会付出更多的努力,而总有一天,他们会得到应有的回报。那才是我心目中工作的价值。

大学生英语作文:Adapt College Life 适应大学生活(收藏)

In our real life, it is really a period of hardship for us to adapt ourselves to new school life. However, being active is of necessity and we will fall in love with the new life.


As for me, my middle school life is made up of pressure and I feel quite busy. With the intention to be admitted into a key university, I often stay up late to prepare for the college examination, which leads to my tiredness and makes me feel stressed. In the same time, apart from endless homework, I am also occupied with a number of exams and exercises. So busy am I that I have no time to relax myself.


In terms of ideal college life, it must be fabulous and provides me much freedom. What’s more, studying in a brand new environment, I have to form a habit of dealing with things by myself. With more freedom, it’s likely that I could devote myself to getting further education on the subject I like.


As all those have differences between middle school and college life, I consider it necessary to get used to the new life quickly. Thus, with the expectation of having a wonderful college life, I must make an organized and detailed plan that I can stick to. Meanwhile, it’s vital for me to participate in various activities actively, during which I am supposed to make acquaintances with new friends and have a better understanding of the outside world as well.


大学生作文分享 I Love My Life 我爱生活(参考)

Life will not always go on well. It is necessary to meet some difficulties and help us to be stronger. Some people choose to run away from the problems of life and feel negative towards it. For me, no matter what kind of difficult situation I meet, my love for life is always so strong.


I am so thankful to the things I owned and embrace tough challenges. I am lucky to be born in a happy family. Though we don’t belong to the rich people, I own the things I need, such as my parents’ love and my friends’ friendship. I am growing up with the most precious love, so I am very positive to life. I know life is not easy all the way, and I will meet the challenge, such as fail exams or sometimes have argument with my families or friends. I learn to deal with troubles and grow up to be mature.


Life is amazing for me. I know it is short, so I will pay attention to the happy incidents and don’t want to waste time in small issues. I cherish every moment of life.


大学生作文分享 空巢老人Life of Empty-nesters(收藏)

With the deepening of the aging of society, there are a growing number of empty-nesters, which has become a social problem can not be ignored. When the children leave home due to reasons such as work, study, marriage, leaving their middle-aged parents at home, empty-nesters will produce the symptoms of mental disorders, known as the family “empty-nest”syndrome.


Some empty-nesters can live a good life after retire, especially those in city. Most of them live in the same city with their children so that they can visit each other often. Besides, they can participate in various group activities. For example, some middle-aged people attend to universities for the elderly for further study, while others join the choir or some other public service activities. By these activities, empty-nesters can eliminate of loneliness and realize their own values.


While in rural area, situations get worse. Most young people work in city, leaving their elderly parents at home to take care of themselves. In rural area, there are much less activities for elderly so that they are busy with the farm work all the day. And some elderly look after their grand-children, which is the main task for elderly in the country.

From the description above, we can know that some elderly people can live a good life although they’re empty-nesters. However, it’s our responsibility to care for our parents and our care is what they really need in life. So, no matter how busy you are, remember to care about them, talk to them frequently.


大学生英语作文:我的大学生活 My Campus Life(参考)

It has been two years since I first got to university. Some of my classmates say that the college life is boring, because they have plenty of time but do not know what to do. However, from my point of view, the campus life in college is interesting and colorful as long as you make it meaningful.


In the first semester in college, I didn't relax and I still worked hard as I was in the senior school. I usually spent two hours in study at night and I went to the classroom forautonomous learning.But the difference is that I have many extracurricular activities. For example, I went to the English Corner regularly on Tuesday night, in which I could practice my spoken English and make friends with common interests.


Besides, I join the Student Union of my department. In the Student Union, I have a group of workmates who work hard together and support to each other. Actually, it looks like a big, warm family that we can share our lives together. During various activities, I realize the importance of team spirit that helps us go further.


Finally, college is great stage to improve a student and show one's abilities. In college, I know more about our society and get more channels to explore the outside world. I realize that I am not only a student but also an adult who is preparing to step into the society.


In short, I cherish my life in college campus and I will try hard to make it colorful as well as meaningful.
