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精彩英语作文:Respecting the Elderly Is a Traditional Chinese Virtue 尊老是中华民族传统美德


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The elderly have accumulated a lifetime’s worth of experience. However, many young people often regard them as irrelevant, embarrassing, and out of touch. As far as I am concerned, the traditional Chinese virtue to respect the old people needs to be emphasized.


Firstly, the elderly deserve the respect due to their effort in bringing up their children and their contribution to society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged people in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes,” One generation plants trees under whose shade another generation rests.” Secondly, family is one of the best places for learning values, therefore, to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members, so that children learn to adopt this same practice. In this way, families will exemplify the right values, and young members will learn first-hand on how to respect the elderly.


Perhaps the most important test of a society is the way individuals behave towards one another. If young people do not respect the elderly; the whole of society will be a mess without respect. Therefore, the elderly should be respected by all of us.



作文推荐 Chinese Traditional Culture 中国传统文化(收藏)

China has the history of more than 5,000 years and we are so proud of the profound culture. Every year, we are so looking forward to spending the holiday during the traditional festivals. They are the important part of Chinese traditional culture. But for young people, the meaning of these festival is fading away.


When young people are asked about the meaning of traditional festival, some of them have no idea. For example, some young people believe that Mid-autumn Festival is to in honor of the ancestors, or it is a day to eat mooncake. Actually, most festivals have been advocated by the commercial ads, and they show people to buy more products to spend the festivals happily. Some ads try to implant people the wrong idea about the meaning of festival, just to attract more customers.


The loss meaning of traditional festivals brings the negative side to the preserve of traditional culture. The mass media should advocate the essence of the festivals, so as to let the young generation learn more about our culture and be proud of it.


大学生作文分享 Chinese Traditional Festivals 中国的传统节日

When the traditional festival comes, everybody is excited about it, because they will have holiday to relax. The meaning of these festivals is remembered by the old generation all the time, while some young people do not know. So when we enjoy the holiday, we need to know more about the traditional culture.

大家都会很兴奋得知有传统节日将要来临时,因为他们会有假期来放松自己。老一辈都记得这些节日的意义,然而有些年轻人却不知道。所以,当我们享受假期 My Holiday'>假日时,也需要更多的了解传统文化。

A foreign girl shot a video to ask Chinese young people something about Mid-autumn festival. To everybody’s surprise, a lot of them did not know the story about this big day. When I was very small, I have watched many TV series telling about the myth of Hou Yi and his wife. I learned many Chinese myths and legends from the shows. Though some people enjoy the festival, they should learn the culture.


With the development of Chinese economic power, more and more foreigners are interested in learning Chinese. Some are very crazy about the traditional culture. They study famous great old poems and novels, treating the great characters as idols.


The traditional festival is the important way to preserve our culture, which is the great treasure of human being. We are so proud of it, because it is priceless.


Traditional Game 传统比赛(必备)

When Spring Festival comes, I will go back to my hometown and spend the time with my relatives. In my hometown, there will be the basketball game on the first and second days of the new year. There will be a lot of people watch. This is a very good tradition.

当春节来临的时候,我会回到家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡,花时间与我的亲戚在一起。在家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡,在新年的第一天和第二天会有篮球比赛。有很多人观看。这是一个很好的传统。

For one thing, the basketball game makes people feel the atmosphere of the big festival. Unlike usually, there are not so many things happening in this town, life is simple here. When there is something different, it can tell people that interesting thing is happening in this town and the festival is coming.


For another thing, the basketball game can bring people together. The first day of the new year is really a big day for Chinese people, they will go out and hang around. Many of my old friends will meet each other when we watch the basketball game. We talk so happily and say the new year’s wishes.


The traditional game provide people a place to meet each other and have the communication. They are enjoying the game while talking to their friends.


优秀英语作文 电子书和传统书籍 Electric Books and Traditional Books(参考)

Withthe development of technology, more and more electric books are used by people;in the meantime, many people still read traditional books. I think both of themhave their own advantages and disadvantages.


Electricbooks and traditional books can be very different from each other. Electricbooks are light to carry, and they are so divers that you can read them on yourmobile phone, MP4. To thecontrary, the quality of traditional books can be well guaranteed. Moreover,most of electric books are network novel, and most of traditional books areprofessional books. Many people enjoy reading traditional book. Finally, if youread the electric book too long, you will feel dizzy with agitation. So readingthe traditional books can make you healthy.


However,they have one thing in common that is they provide us knowledge. I think theywill develop better in the future to make up their disadvantages.


精彩英语作文:哑巴英语 “Mute English” among Chinese Students

Itis a serious phenomenon that a large number of college students in our countrycannot talk with others in English or speak English fluently or correctly. Whatwould result in this phenomenon and how can we solve this problem?


Asfar as I am concerned, several reasons can account for this phenomenon and Iwould like to list some of them. First, lack of practice is the most importantfactor—most students in China do not pay enough attention to their oral Englishpractice because they think they will not use it in their career frequently.Second, lack of the language environment is another reason. The majority ofstudents in china will not be willing to speak English unless they arerequested in class in that they will feel weird and uneasy if they use Englishto talk with others. In addition, some students are too shy and nervous tospeak English fluently.


Takingabove general reasons into accounting, I would like to make some suggestions toavoid “mute English”. For one thing, to correct the attitude is the mostimportant. Students have to adjust their attitude towards oral English so thatthey will have further motivation to practice it well. For another, practice isequally important. As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. Students shouldpractice their oral English as much as possible. Only in this way can they geta satisfying result and avoid “mute English”.


精彩英语作文:Is Chinese Uniform Popular? 中国校服受欢迎吗?

In China, students feel so bad about their uniforms, because these clothes look almost the same, which are large size and can’t reflect anything beautiful. But look at the uniforms in other countries, which look young and beautiful. However, the latest news reported that Korean students liked Chinese uniform.


Korean TV shows are very popular in China. We have learned the school life and what they wear as students. Girls wear the skirts and the boys wear the clothes that makes them look handsome. We feel so envious about their uniform. But after Korean students see Chinese uniform, they like it because its large size made them feel comfortable and convenient to do exercise.


Chinese uniform have been disliked by students for a long time, especially with the popularity of foreign films and television programs. As students realize the difference and appreciate western styles, they advocate the school to make some changes. Indeed, some schools have put forward the new styles and are popular by students. I think students have the right to make them look beautiful and energy.
