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How to Treat the Internet Trend 如何对待网络潮流(必备)


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As the development of Internet, people can have access to the instant news immediately, at the same time, people’s private life has been exaggerated. Once if they are pictured and the photos delivered on the Internet, they will become the hot issue any time. More and more people will be interested in photos, more private information will be exposed. Everyone is curious about the Internet trend, while we must be wise.


Since the coming of the Internet, no one will deny that Internet is one of the greatest inventions of the 20thcentury, computer brings life convenience, people can share information with each other. Now Internet can make a common people famous quickly, as long as they have something with amusement. In 2011, there was a homeless man in the street, he looked different from the average homeless people, his clothes seemed kind of fashionable, he was pictured and his photo was uploaded on the Internet. People soon paid attention to him, naming him Brother Sharp. The guy turned out to be getting lost with his family, the good news is that he gets reunion with his family, the bad news is that some media interrupt his life.


The Internet trend is like the wind, come fast and goes fast, too. People should be wise to it, never chase for it blindly, at the same time, we should judge what is right and wrong.



How to Do With Teenagers’ Change? 如何对待青少年的变化

When I was a teenager, I felt I was so lost and wanted to prove that I was mature enough to get rid of my parents’ nursing. That happens to most teenagers, they are under the stage that is close to mature but are not strong enough. For parents and teachers, they must deal with teenagers’ change in the right way, or they will do the negative things.


There are many reasons for teenagers’ change. First, their bodies grow so fast that they could not adjust their mood. The change in their bodies makes them feel different from others, they don’t know how to do, so they feel annoyed and want to disguise themselves. For parents, they have to realize that their kids have grown up and should not treat them like a kid. Second, the parents must get to know that the teenagers will experience many stages during their teenager time. So when their kids become rebel, they need to understand and not fight with them. Giving their kids some time, they will overcome their emotion.


Teenager time a special stage, the change of teenagers will make the parents and teachers worry, but I think they should not be so hard on them, just to be their friends.


网络利弊之我见 My View on the Internet

Nowadays, the Internet has become very common in our daily life, in that we can surf the Internet everywhere anywhere by computer or mobile. However, the debate on the pros and cons of the network has never stopped. Some people say that the network is a platform for information sharing. Due to it, we have a convenient channel for the dissemination of information and access to information. But some others argue that some people commit a crime by the Internet, so we should stay away from the Internet. From my point of view, I prefer to agree to the former view.


There are some reasons accounting for my point. Firstly, with network, we can exchange information frequently and conveniently. In the information area, information is wealth. In many cases, whether we can succeed in something, it depends on how much information we get. In addition, except for its serious functions, network is a good tool to entertain. Preciously, we only have TV or game machines to have fun, but now we have a functional platform for fun. On the Internet, we can watch TV programs and movies, or we can play online games as well as chat with friends freely, which is a good way to relax.


In short, there is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantage, but I think its advantages far overweight its disadvantages that we can make good use of those good but avoid those bad.


大学生英语作文:如何对待名人吸毒How to Deal With Celebrities Taking Drags

Recently, the hot topic must be the celebrities taking drags, they were caught by the police and take the bad example to the public. The deals about the company won’t employ the celebrities who take the drugs has been mentioned, many people agree with it, they think it can warn the celebrities to stay away with the drugs.


On the one hand, celebrities taking drugs is such a big incident. For celebrities, they always show the positive side to the audience, it is hard to imagine they will do the wrong thing. As adults, they need to take the responsibility of their behavior, they fail what people expect them to do, so they will be punished.


On the other hand, though celebrities are public figures, they are just like every ordinary people, they will make mistakes and need to be given another chance. The deals about never employing them is such a big shock, it means they won’t be forgiven.


In my opinion, we should give celebrities another chance, most of them have recognized their mistakes. If the public care them with love, they will feel the hope and won’t take drags again.


如何与孩子沟通?How to Communicate With Kids?(必备)

As the saying that every family has their issues, the most common issue between families is the communication between parents and children. Most kids would not like to talk about their happiness and sorrow with their parents, they think their parents never really understand them. If the parents want to have nice talk with their kids, they must try to be the kids’ friends.


The problem why the kids would not like to talk things with their parents is that the parents always treat their kids as the small ones, so when the kids want to try something they are interested, the parents’ first reaction is to deny the children’s trying, and tell them to do this is na?ve. As the parents always judge what their kids do with their viewpoint, the children feel frustrated and don’t want to talk to their parents gradually.


The parents should listen to their kids more, it is better not to give the children judgment right now, to be the kids’ friends will help promote the communication. So when the children tell their plans or interesting things, the parents should just listen to them.


如何防止沉迷网络游戏How to Prevent the Addict Network Game


提示词: give up concentrate on be (become)interested in

Wang Xiaogang spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good/close friend of his, I must do something to help him.


First, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games.

Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I‘ll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I’ll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.

首先,我认为他应该学好课本知识。他应该把玩电脑的时间花在学习上。 其次,我必须告诉他玩太多电脑会对身体不好,特别是眼睛。所以他必须戒掉。我可以在放学后和他踢足球.或许他会对运动更感兴趣,而不是电脑游戏。我也会督促他把注意力放在学习上。当然了,我也会尽我自己最大的能力去帮助他每一门功课。我会通过不同的方法让他来体验学习的乐趣。同时,我也会要求他的父母和老师一起来帮助他。如果我做了这些,我保证他会取得很大的进步的。

英语范文:How to Choose Major 如何选择专业(必备)

Choosing a major is very important because it concerns our college life, our career and even our future life. Therefore, we need to choose our major with discretion.


There are several factors we need to consider when choosing major. First, we need to take our interest into consideration. Since our major is relative to our future career, we had better choose a major we love. Second, our plan of career is another factor we need to consider. Before choosing a major, we had better think about what kind of career would like to do in the future. In addition, we should have knowledge of prospects of development about employment market so that we would not encounter too many difficulties in hunting job. Finally, we should take our family finance into account at the same time because some majors need more spending and time.


To sum up, we need to take various factors into consideration when choosing major. And we get some suggestion from our parents, our senior sister or brother and our teachers. Besides, we need to understand the real nature of each major instead of being confused by its surface.


精彩文章How to Quit Smoking 如何戒烟(必备)

Most smokers are males, because they need to smoke for social communication or for set themselves free from the pressure. In the packaging, we can find that every packaging has written the words that smoking is harmful to health. Though smokers know it, they ignore it. For the harmony of the family, people should quit smoking.


To quit smoking is not easy, people know smoking does harm to their health, but they just can’t resist the temptation and then start to smoke again, so they must have strong will. They must tell themselves that smoking not only does harm to their health, but also does harm to their families. The families will have much chance to take in the second-hand cigarette, in order to keep the families healthy, smokers must have the strong will to quit smoke.


When people find it hard not to smoke, their mouth will feel uneasy, they want to smoke again. At that time, people can find some food or fake cigarette to take place of the real cigarette, in the long time, they will have less desire to smoke.
