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友谊的价值The Value of Friendship(必备)


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People often say that friends arepriceless. So it is certain that friendship is very important. The followingare the examples of myself to explain this opinion.


Friends share happiness, which makes usdelightful. For example, one of my best classmates, Cloud, when she told me shegot a good mark and was in the top ten. Before I replied she said again,"Because you are my best friend, I want to share the good news with you atthe first time". Hearing that, I knew she was happier after she told me.At that time we were two happy birds flying in the sky. In a word, friends playwith me in my spare time that let me feel needed. They always keep company withme when I am depressed. But they don’t do whatever I want. Sometimes they areagainst with me while they think I am wrong. I still remember once I quarreledwith my math teacher. At last, it was my friends made me realize my fault, andthen solved the entire problem smoothly.


In my opinion, friends are one of the mostimportant people in our life. We can’t live without friends. It is valuable foreveryone.




Friendship is essential for the existence of society. People live in communities and work in co-operation so that they could protect themselves from nature. The successful accomplishment of any task calls for support from many people. It’s the friends who are willing to help us. Friendship is a guarantee of harmonious efforts.


In the widest sense, all people are friends. People live in a common society, co-operating and helping each other directly or indirectly all the time. From this respective, anyone could be a friend of others to a certain degree. And it’s this kind of friendship that makes society harmonious though competition is universal.


A friend in need is a friend indeed. Unfortunately, people are so complex in the modern society due to various reasons. Sometimes, we don’t really know who are our real friends. Adversity is the touchstone of friendship. That is to say, in hard times, it is easy for us to test whether the friendship is ture or not. No matter what happens, a true friend will never leave you alone and will always be with you.


精彩英语作文:工作的价值 The Value of Work(收藏)

When it comes to the topic “What’s the value of work?”, different people hold different points of view.


A group of people think that work is just a method for living. They hope that they could spend as little as possible to earn as much money as possible. The more money they make and the less time they spend, the more value the work has. Put that in another way, the value of work is measured in terms of money.一些人认为,工作只是生存的一种手段。他们希望尽可能少花费去赚取更多的钱。花越少的精力和时间赚到越多的钱,工作就越有价值。换个说法,工作的价值是用金钱衡量的。

Some think that we should work for our dreams. We do the job just because we love it. Focusing time and energy on what we love makes us fulfilling. The purpose for which we work should be making contribution to society’s development and at the same time improving ourselves.另一些人则认为,我们应该为理想而工作。我们因为喜欢而做一项工作。把时间和精力放在我们喜欢的事情上让我们感到充实。我们工作的目的应该是在为社会发展做贡献的同时提高自我。

In my opinion, I agree that work is equipment. But that’s not all work of value. When choosing work, we should measure the reward and our dream. I am sure that people would put more efforts into the things they like, and someday they will get anything they deserve in return. And that’s the value of work in my mind.在我看来,我同意工作是生存的一种手段这一说法。但是,那并不是工作的全部价值。在选择工作的时候,我们应该权衡好回报和个人理想。我坚信,人们对于自己喜欢的事会付出更多的努力,而总有一天,他们会得到应有的回报。那才是我心目中工作的价值。

作文推荐 借钱是否对友谊有害?Does Borrowing Money do Harm to Friendship?(必备)

There is an old saying in china,“depends on neighbor at home, goes out depending on the friends” which meansfriend is very important to us. Except for listening to our gloomy, sharing happinesswith us, friend also the one who come forward to help us when we are introuble, as we are the same. However, many people think borrow money fromfriends will affect friendship, in my opinion, I think the idea is tooone-side.


If it’s fail to borrowmoney from friends, there will be suspicion between each other, which wouldbreak their friendship. Moreover, how do you know whether your friends canoffer you the money? He may beembarrassed to acknowledge he’s a little short of funds himself, or maybe the money he lends you maybe he just needs too. If succeedborrow money from friends, but can not return money to him on time, friends wouldbe in financial problem, which also will break friend’s relationship.


As the saying goes, has borrow has also,again borrow is not difficult, which suggest us keep good credit and returnfund in time, and then borrow money from friends would not hurt friendship.


作文推荐 The Value of Overseas Degree 海外学历的价值【精】

Nowadays, as more and more students have chosen to study abroad, some people believe that overseas degree is no longer as valuable as before. What’s more, according to the report, when these students returned and found a job, the salary was not that expecting. But overseas degree can’t be denied by the salary.


When students are studying abroad, they have to learn to be independent. As parents are not by their side, so they need to conquer the loneliness, learning to be part of the group, which is a great challenge for them, because they are in the muti-culture environment. Most of them have adapted to the strange environment, which means they can cooperate with others well.


Besides independent, the knowledge they learn is advanced. The foreign education takes the lead in the world, and the schools trend to cultivate students’ critical thinking, which can motivate their creativity. No matter what kind of jobs, the companies always want the employees who have creative ideas.


The value of overseas degree can’t be measured by money. If the students are excellent, they will soon get promoted.


精彩文章大学生活的意义所在 The Value of University Life(必备)

Asis known to us all, time spent at university is an utter worthwhile andimportant period in our lives. In the period, we can enjoy the colorfulness ofuniversity life; at the same time, the experience and challenges provide us agood chance to know and understand ourselves so that we are easier to find ourpositions in the future.


Forone thing, a variety of knowledge and experiences provide a convenient way andchance to broaden our horizon and strengthen our ability in many areas. Atuniversity, we can search and receive various knowledge concerning differentsubjects by many ways, such as library, internet and so on. Besides, attendingmany kinds of activities is a good choice to improve our communication skillsand widen our interpersonal relationships. The more people we get in touchwith, the more ways can we get and learn to get along with others. Only in thisway can we learn how to deal with others in relationship.


Foranother, the experience and challenges we meet in university have a greatimpact on our personality forming and the understanding for us. In this period,we will form some opinions and understandings about ourselves afterexperiencing some matters and meeting some challenges; meanwhile, some certaincharacters and values which will affect and even determine our choices ofposition in future will be shaped and formed.


Therefore,we should try our best to catch up the chance to study at university and valuethe time at university so that we will have no regret for our life.


友情 Friendship(参考)

Thereare various emotions in the world. People need valuable emotions which cansupport them both in mind and in life. Friendship is one of the most vitalemotions.


Itis not easy to deal with friendship. As for friendship, sometimes you and yourfriend may meet difficulties. Trust is the most remarkable trait of foreverfriendship. Trust plays a very important role in daily communication. As thesaying goes, “Between friends all is common.” Furthermore, tolerance is also aconsiderable factor in remaining good friendship. If your friend makes amistake accidentally, you should have largeness of mind. Friendship is tooprecious. When we face some misunderstandings, we need to make joint efforts toprotect our friendship. We should not give up friendship at random. We shouldtreat our friends as treasures.


Friendshipis so pure, clear and beautiful. We cannot be lack of friendship in our life.Try our best to insist our trust in making friends.











英语范文:开卷有益 The Value of Reading【精】

Asthe saying goes, “no matter how much one has experienced, he cannot enrich hisknowledge without reading books.” When we started school in childhood, we weretold that the significant value of reading for our lives.

Inthe first place, reading is a good and convenient way for us to enrich ourknowledge and broaden our horizon. The more books we read, the more knowledgeand information we acquire. Therefore, it would be better to read widely andvariously. In other words, we should not only read avidly the books about ourmajor, but also spend some time in reading other books cursory so that we canacquire the wider knowledge and broaden our horizon. Second, reading widely isan important way to extend our thoughts and shape our characters. As the morereading we do, we are easier to think creatively and logically, and easier tounderstand human beings and the world, and easier to become an ideal people.Just as the saying goes, “good books are like a wise and nice man of lastgeneration, who supports me to walk forward, and helps me come to understandthe world.” Last but not the least, reading can yet be regarded as a goodchoice to relax and entertain ourselves. Compared with other ways forentertainment, reading is more convenient and quiet.

Ina word, reading is significant in our lives and we should value the chance toread and read more.









第四,提高批评与自我批评的自觉性,不断净化自己的入党动机。共产党是一个纯洁的队伍,净化心灵应是我们入党的基本动机。入党不能存在任何私心杂念,不能带有功利欲和虚伪心。入党就意味着责任与使命,意味着拼搏与奋斗。决不是为了个人的利益。入党积极份子就是无论在什么时候,在什么条件下,都要事事当先锋、处处作表率,勤奋学习,关心同学,帮助同学,充分发挥好共产党员的那种模范带头作用,成为同学心中的榜样. 同时,通过自己的先锋模范作用,来体现党的先进性。共产党先进就先进在觉悟上,入党是一种觉悟的提高,作为入党积极份子要对共产党充满信念和忠诚。




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