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堕胎的弊端 The Disadvantages of Aborticide(必备)


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Recent years, an increasing numbers ofpeople tend to live with their lovers before they are married. Hence, manyaccidental pregnancies happen as well as aborticide. Some people are convincedthat this phenomenon is not acceptable because foeticide hurt people. Somebelieve that it’s not a big deal. In my opinion, I’m for the former’s opinion;reasons will be discussed in the following.


First of all, aborticide may be a bad thingfor the unborn baby. Many people tend to terminate pregnancy if they get an accidentalpregnancy. For most lovers, they are reluctant to give birth to a child beforethey get married. Consequently, many people prefer to have a feticide when theyget an unplanned pregnancy. Thus, this kind of behavior is rather not fair tothe unborn life.


Secondly, aborticide will leads to an unhealthybody condition. Many people decide to abort once they have an accidentalpregnancy. The aborticide surgery will hurt women badly. What’s worse, feticidemay cause infertility.


Thirdly, aborticide may cause otherdisease. Though foeticide does badly to body health, it also may cause somecomplications or other disease, or even cause death.


All in all, the disadvantages of aborticideare so obvious. So when people get accidental pregnancy, they shouldn’t try toabort.



精彩文章关于私家车的弊端The Disadvantages of Private Cars

As cars are more affordable nowadays, thenumber of private car owners spurs. With cars, we can go anywhere anytime wewant. However, for the sake of protecting our environmentand of the public travelling convenience, it is a bad news.


First, more private cars mean more pollution.As the number of private cars increases sharply, the off gas surges.Consequently, the air quality is decreasing and even affects our health. Inconsideration of our environment and our health, I don’t think private carsbring us good to both our planet’s environment and our health.


Second, people are tending to drive carsthemselves going to work so that the traffic jam is serious in most cities. Wheneveryou go and look around in cities, you can see lots of cars not only parking alongthe road but also runs on the street. Especially around morning and evening,you can hardly move a step if you drive a car because of the heavy traffic. Nomatter how many roads the government has built, without lessening the number ofthe private cars, the need for road is always bigger than the supplied.Therefore, the most effective way is to encourage people take public transportationso that we can facilitate ourselves and also others.


All in all, private cars are so convenientfor us to getting around. However, take our air environment, our health and theconvenience of public life into account; we shouldn’t encourage people to buymore private cars. Instead, we should persuade people to take public transportationas often as possible to make our environment better and better.


优秀英语作文 网上找工作的弊端The Disadvantages of Finding a Job through Internet(参考)

As more and more companies tend to postvacant position online rather than go to the job fair, most people also preferto find jobs through Internet. Some people think that it is very convenient forthem to find jobs because they can check the basic information of a certaincompany any time they want. Some argue that it is not so good for them to findjobs online because there are also some people will take advantage of them bygetting job seekers’ information. In my opinion, I’m convinced that thedisadvantages weigh too much than the advantages. Reasons are as follows.


First and foremost, some people will takeadvantages by stealing your personal information. With the high development ofInternet, some kinds of cyber crime emerge. Those offenders often steal victim’sinformation through Internet and then commit a crime.


Secondly, you maybe cheated by the fake informationon the Internet. It happens quite often that some job seekers receive somecalls to invite them to have an interview. But when they get to the appointedplace, they find that it is not the same company as posted online.


In conclusion, through the analysis above, Idon’t think it is wise for us to find jobs online not only because yourpersonal information will be stolen, but you will be cheated.


优秀英语作文 Disadvantages of Living in Big Cities 住在大城市的弊端(收藏)

A number of people prefer to live in countryside because they consider that living in big cities has many disadvantages.


First of all, the most obvious problem is traffic. In big cities, traffic jam is quite common everywhere, especially in the rush time. And a large number of people have to spend a great deal of time in going to work and coming back from work. In addition, traffic accident is another threat.


Second, with the increase of cars and buses in big cities, air pollution has become another disadvantage of living in big cities. Besides, a growing number of factory have also accounted for air pollution in big cities. Consequently, many diseases caused by air pollution are emerging in an endless stream.


Finally, another image of big cities is relative to noise, such as the noise of transportation, the noise of construction and so on.


In a word, living in big cities has many advantages but also disadvantages. And living in big cities or countryside should depend on our personal preference and needs.


大学生英语作文:玩电脑游戏的弊端The Disadvantages of Playing Computer Games

Nowadays childrenare spending far too much time and money on computer games. As a result, somepeople even suggest that video games should be done away with. They are nothingbut a great waste of time, money and energy. I totally agree with them.


First of all, toomuch indulgence in the computer games may lead to the deterioration ofchildren’s physical health. Children desert the football ground as they all sitat home around the computers playing the football game. So they can’t bephysically fit and strong. Moreover, facing the computer for a long time, childreneasily suffer from myopia.


Secondly,computer games distract children’s attention from their studies. They finishtheir homework in a hurry, or even copy their classmate’s, in order to squeezetime to play games.


Therefore, videoarcades should be banned from cities and town. Teenagers would be much betteroff without the temptation of video games. They should be encouraged to do moremeaningful and valuable things like reading, studying, and going to concert andmuseums.


大学生作文分享 The Disadvantages of Finding Jobs through Internet 网上找工作的弊端【推荐】

In modern society, internet has played a very important role in finding jobs in that it provides a lot of conveniences for us to get information about employment. However, every coin has two sides and there are also several disadvantages of finding jobs through internet.


First of all, finding jobs through internet is quite likely to be cheated for that there is a large amount of fake information over the internet. It is quite difficult to identify the truth of information. Second, finding jobs through internet is easy to divulge our information, which produces potential danger for ourselves and our family because we have given out our information over internet and our information is possibly used by the undesirable. Finally, we are easy to get confused by finding jobs through internet because there is too much information over internet. Faced with diversiform information over internet, we would feel perplexed if we have not a certain direction of employment.


Therefore, we need to be caution in finding jobs through internet. In addition, to create a better employment environment, our government should enhance supervise of internet world.
