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大学教育的目标The Goal of University Education(必备)


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According to many people, university is aspringboard towards better jobs or higher salaries, and their only goal ofuniversity education is to get a degree. Why do you go to university? I believedifferent people have different answers to this question. As far as I amconcerned, I do not agree with their opinion that university education is aspringboard. Let me name my reasons.


First of all, university education can helpstudent cultivate sentiments. People who are having university education mustlearn much more knowledge. This knowledge will help them cultivate their tastefrom their inside heart. What’s more, the atmosphere in college is also helpfulin developing students’ personal quality.


Secondly, university education is a goodplace for students to prepare for going to society. College doesn’t like highschool. Students have to learn many things besides study. This is the finalstage before they enter the society for most students. Having universityeducation helps them adapt the society easily.


Thirdly, university educationwill let students have a further knowledge in one field. Before going to university,students have to choose their major. This is because they have to learn specializedknowledge in that field. If they want to success, having knowledge about onething deeply is necessary.


To sum up, university education has manyfunctions. It is not only a springboard for better jobs or higher salaries. Theycan’t set their goal for university education is to get a degree. It deservesmore.



英语范文:网络教育 Online Education(必备)

With the widespread of computer, more andmore people tend to use Internet to get information and learn knowledge,especially, many educational agent use online class to teacher their students.Many people think it is convenient for students to obtain knowledge by onlineeducation and can save students lots of time spending on traveling between homeand school. Some people think students can’t focus on studying by onlineeducation. In my opinion, we can benefit a lot by online education.


Firstly, online education can save studentstime. We all know that traditional education require students to go to schoolor certain place to obtain knowledge. Therefore, students have to spend lots oftime on travel between home and school. However, online education can save studentslots of time. They don’t have to spend time on traveling to school and home.


Secondly, students can get more knowledgeby online education. Students can search for their study materials immediatelyduring break time by Internet. While by traditional education, students can’tfind any useful resource in school for they have no access to get the relative knowledgeby their limited books.


All in all, online education not only cansave much time, but it can help students get more knowledge than traditionaleducation.


College Education 大学教育

The stage of college will be the most important period of our life. We need to learn knowledge, at the same time, we also need to learn some skills, which will be of great help when we come to the job market. The ability we gain in the college will be useful all the time.


In college education, we need to change our way of learning. In high school, we get use to learn what the teachers pass to us. Every thing they show us is correct. Teachers take the leader roles and students just follow them. But now students need to learn knowledge by themselves. As teachers will not show up much time, so they should improve their ability to learn.


What’s more, as teachers are no longer the center role, they try to cultivate students’ way of thinking. Critical thinking is what the college students most need. They are adults and should make their own decision. It is time for them to get rid of the out-date tradition, and creativity is what they need.


The aim of college education is to broaden vision and master special skills.


Education of Love 对爱情的教育【推荐】

In China, the traditional parents believe that it is not suitable for their children to fall in love before they attend university, because it will bring negative effect to their study, so they supervise the kids all the time. Actually, as the world gets globalized and the development of the Internet, kids have their view about love.


Today, the kids have access to all kinds of information. They know the world at the early age and become mature soon. So the traditional parents need to adjust their educational view. It is not reasonable to forbid children from falling in love with someone, because it is human nature to do it. Foreign parents are good at dealing with kids’ emotion problem.


The foreign parents will never say any negative words when their children talk about their emotional problem, instead, they let their kids make their own decision on the basis of guiding them with positive attitude. If parents deny everything all the time, then kids will never have the real talk with them.


It is important for parents to educate their kids to deal with the relationship properly.


精彩英语作文:Quality-oriented Education 素质教育(必备)

The meaning of going to school seems to fight for the bright future. For every child, they need to be armed with knowledge, so that they can go to the good college and have the promising career. But people pay much attention to the knowledge education and neglect the quality-oriented education, which is very important. The school should pay attention to quality-oriented education.

上学的意义似乎在于为美好的前途而奋斗。对于每个孩子来说,他们需要武装知识,这样才能上好的大学, 拥有有前途的事业。但是人们过度关注知识的教育,忽视了素质教育,素质教育是很重要的。学校应该关注素质教育。

The schools always focus on student’s study, the scores are the main standard to measure whether the students are good ones. So the students work so hard to get the high mark and prove themselves. Now take a look at the news about teenagers, tragic things happen all the time. In foreign schools, gun-shot cases which are manipulated by the teenagers are no longer the new things. It is obvious that the education needs to make some changes now.


For the teenagers, they need to be cultivated with quality-oriented education, so that their minds can be healthy. The schools need to open the class to teach students the knowledge about how to deal with their mental problems. A healthy students are in both about physically and mentally.


Sexual Education 性教育

The topic of sex is very awkward for Asian parents, because in traditional culture, people never talked it in the public occasions and they treated it as shame thing. While situation is different in western countries. Children receive sexual education at a very early age. Every teenager should receive right sexual education.


In China, it is the very classic situation that when the child asks his parents how he comes to the world, then the parents will tell him that he is picked up from the garbage. Parents doing this to avoid sex topic, and they think they are doing the right thing to the child. Actually, they are misleading the young generation to know about the world.


Look at the western countries, parents will tell something about sex when their kids are in primary school, and school also open relative course to let children know this issue, so as to have right attitude towards it and better protect themselves.


It is in need of receiving proper sexual education for teenagers, so that they can know the world better.


Foreign Education 国外教育

During these years, more and more parents trend to send their kids to study abroad, it is true that foreign education has many advantages, which is surpassing our education. Many excellent scholars started their education at the foreign colleges, then making the outstanding works. The advantages of foreign education are in the following.


First, there are advantaged educational resources in the foreign colleges. America and England have the best universities, the famous traditional universities such as Cambridge and Oxford, which have the long history. So these universities are developed and have the mature teaching resources. The students can enjoy the best educational resource and have communication with the best professors.


Second, one of the main features of foreign education is that it pays attention to the creative work. If the students want to enter into the famous colleges, they need not only to do well in the exam, but also they need to join the social activities. Sometimes the latter part is more important than the former part. This educational idea is good for students’ creativity.


精彩文章大学生活的意义所在 The Value of University Life(必备)

Asis known to us all, time spent at university is an utter worthwhile andimportant period in our lives. In the period, we can enjoy the colorfulness ofuniversity life; at the same time, the experience and challenges provide us agood chance to know and understand ourselves so that we are easier to find ourpositions in the future.


Forone thing, a variety of knowledge and experiences provide a convenient way andchance to broaden our horizon and strengthen our ability in many areas. Atuniversity, we can search and receive various knowledge concerning differentsubjects by many ways, such as library, internet and so on. Besides, attendingmany kinds of activities is a good choice to improve our communication skillsand widen our interpersonal relationships. The more people we get in touchwith, the more ways can we get and learn to get along with others. Only in thisway can we learn how to deal with others in relationship.


Foranother, the experience and challenges we meet in university have a greatimpact on our personality forming and the understanding for us. In this period,we will form some opinions and understandings about ourselves afterexperiencing some matters and meeting some challenges; meanwhile, some certaincharacters and values which will affect and even determine our choices ofposition in future will be shaped and formed.


Therefore,we should try our best to catch up the chance to study at university and valuethe time at university so that we will have no regret for our life.


精彩英语作文:The Equality of Education 教育的公平【推荐】

When the time comes to the children to go to school, many parents have made some plans and want to arrange suitable schools. Different schools have different requirements, but recently, a special documentary for parents was asked and some parents felt surprised.


Some schools asked parents to go to the police office, as so to get the documentary evidence of free of criminal. As the requirement was exposed, the public was angry and they doubted the necessarity of this document. Actually, many laws have proved the wrong requirement of the school, because it is known to all that the first nine years education is compulsory, which means every child has the right to go to school and they should not be rejected. What’s more, such requirement also goes against the human right. Even if the parents have done something criminal, the children are innocent and they should not be treated different.


The inequality of education needs to be seen. Every child deserves to share the chance to receive education. If schools set the limitation to refuse some students, then they should be punished by the law.


谈谈教育的重要性 The Importance of Education【精】

Why is education Important?


With the development of today's technology,education becomes more important than before because people need to learn moreto adapt the society.Education enables people to understand the world betterand have a good job in the futrue.Moreover ,it also hao an impact on people' sbehavior.


First of all, education improves people'slearning ability that makes them know more about the world.Most things taughtin schools are the basic skills or means to further understsnding of oursociety .Only by learning these,can human have an opportunity to study more andknow more about the society .Secondly, opportunities are often given to someonewho is good educated .Employers tend to believe that people have high educationare intelligent and they can manage their jod and adapt the working environmentquickly.That is why the educated people always get a good job. Thirdly, themore people learn the more modest and polite they act.Learned people think thatthey are not good enough ,so they show a big patience to learn from everything.They often try to figure out the solution of problems by things they meet orlearn.


In sum,education can turn people out withbetter learning skills,job offering and good behavior,so I think education isimportant to people to fulfill their goals and live a easy life .
