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英语范文:我们应该反对家暴 We Should Against Domestic Violence


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Li Yang, we know him as the founder of Crazy English, he was in the limelight few years ago, but now he is jump into the public eye again, for claiming himself as a spokesman of domestic violence. He make no secret of hitting his wife and said he would shot her if he had a gun in a speech. What was astonishing is, the listener applause after he said that. This behavior can be considered as a support for domestic violence, which I can’t agree with.


Firstly, as to the Li Yang’s statement, his wife had said something bad about China, which has ruin his ability of tolerance. Therefore, his use violence to stop this. In my point of view, people once get married, they should understand each other, especially for mixed marriage. If their opinions diverge from each other, they should work it out in a peaceful way, not in a violent way. The worst as well as the best way is divorce.


Secondly, domestic violence gets anything good for family. Regardless the emotion break due to the violence, if it get worse, bone broken could be happen. What’s more, if the family have child, parents quarrel or fight in front of their children, there is no doubt that the child will have an unforgettable childhood phobia, it’s probably that he or she will become a violent people. Therefore, couples should control their hot temper, and have a chill mind when they about to quarrel.


To speak frankly, we should against domestic violence. No matter who did the wrong thing or said the wrong word, violence can’t be the solution. We should feel shame about Li Yang’s statement of becoming a spokesman of domestic violence.



优秀英语作文 What Should We Learn From College 我们应该从大学里面学习什么

When students go to college, of course they feel honored and excited to be part of the wisdom. They expect the wonderful life in college because they have been implanted the idea that campus life is free. But the fact turns out that study occupies the important role. Besides, learning to deal with all kinds of relationships is the necessary course.


As a student, study comes before everything. Many students turn lazy and do not put much attention on study, because they need amusement and their goal is to pass the exam. They set the low standard and don’t have much passion on their majors. It is a pity for them to waste time on playing and miss the chance to arm themselves with advanced knowledge at the best age.


Besides study, the ability to deal with relationships is the key to be successful. Campus is a small society, which sets the stage for students to get accustomed to future life. If they learn to get along with roommates and classmates, there is no doubt that they are equipped with high EQ.


So during the campus life, we should make use of all kinds of resources and make us stronger.


精彩英语作文:我们应该限制私家车吗?Should We Put A Limit on Private Cars?(收藏)

With the rapiddevelopment of Chinese economic and the improvement of living standards ofordinary people, more and more private cars are on road. Some people thinkprivate cars can bring great convenience to the owners while others argue thatgovernment should put a limit on private cars. In my humble opinion, we shouldput a limit on private cars.


First of all, themore private cars, the more traffic jams. If people stuck on a traffic jam, itwill cost them a lot of time, some people even late for work. What’s more,nowadays finding a parking spot is much harder than before because there aretoo many cars on streets. Sometimes you just arrive at the destination, but youjust cannot find a place to park your car. The place is so crowded that youhave to park in other place which may be far away from your destination.


Secondly, theprice of gasoline and repairs are constantly rising, not to mention the pricesfor the insurance and the fear of being stolen. If you do not make enoughmoney, you can barely pay for the fees of the cars. This can cause great burdento your daily life.


Last but notleast, the cars produce tens of thousands of carbon dioxide, which will creategreenhouse effect and other serious environmental pollution. Someenvironmentalists predict that in the next few years, the ozone layer willfully disappear and will increase the rate of getting skin cancer. And the airwe breathe in is not as pure as before, do we really need to sacrifice ourfuture to enjoy the so called convenience?


Due to thesereason, I think people should think twice before they buy a private car. Weshould not only consider the increasing cost of owning a car, but also shouldthink about the future we have. It’s not only a personal thing, but also thewhole country, the whole world.


优秀英语作文 Should We Kill the “Gunners”? 我们应该扼杀 “枪手”么?

I guess everyone are familiar with the meaning of the word gunner in China, it doesn’t mean one who are with a gun anymore, but means someone who sits for an examination in place for another person. When it comes to the gunner issue, different people have different opinion, some people think that is a form of dishonesty, while others argue that it is understandable that each takes what he needs. In my point of view, I agree with the former.


In the first place, paying money to hire a gunner to pretend you to finish the exam is a very dishonesty behavior. Since you have decided to take the exam, then you have to study hard to prepare for it. And it feels very good when you pass the exam by the hard work you have done. Hence, cheating in the exam by this way is inadvisable.


In the second place, hire a gunner is violating the exam rules, people who do this should be punished, both the employer and gunner. As a person who obey laws and rules, when someone want to pay you to be a gunner, you should rejected consciously. Or if the deal comes to light, the gunner also will have a stain on their credit record.


To conclusion, people should not hire someone to be a gunner, and others should reject the chance to be a gunner. We all have the responsibility to prevent this kind of thing from happening.


我们应该赞成休学去旅行吗?Should we Approve of Suspension of Schooling for Travel?【精】

We like travel because we like to movearound, and enjoy the feelings of freedom. We are very delightful to get rid ofthe girdle, responsibilities and obligations of our life. We like unknownthings; we like to meet someone new, they could bring us a moment of pleasure.We could enrich our personality in the trip. Those are the reason why the youthdrop out of school for travel, which I could not agree with.


In the first place, the youth should pay moreattention to the preparation for their future. Even though there is an oldsaying goes: never too old to learn, but it is good to learn in a younger age,which we could learn thing fast and be able to handle it quickly. In this dayand age, the modern enterprise is more prefer a professional graduate student than a skill less social person.


In the second place, most young people haveno source of money; they may find a part-time job to earn money to afford thetravel costs. Anyway, the cash-strapped young people could be an economic burdento their parents. Parents hope that their children could take their studyseriously rather than the experience of travel. It is acceptable to go for atravel during the vacation but never at cost of drop out the school.


Therefore, we should not approve ofsuspension of schooling for travel, adolescents should go to school to studyand enrich their personality in vacation.


精彩英语作文:我们该给乞丐钱么?Should We Give Beggar Money?(收藏)

In a big city, we can always saw some beggars on the said of a busy street. Most of them are disabled. People who are compassionate will stop and give them some money, while some people just walk through. Those people who didn’t give beggar money doesn’t mean they are a cold blood man, because they know there beggars are organized, help them will encourages crime. As far as I’m concerned, I think we shouldn’t give beggar money, I have several reasons to support my opinion.


First, almost all of the disabled beggars are organized; some bad people use them to make money. Those beggars were a normal people before the bad people cut off their arms or legs and keep them in captivity for years. They are more preferring little kids, because they can make the way they want, and they won’t call the police, armless, legless, and no eyeless. Many people are utter sympathy for those disable kids, those kids will make them a big fortune. If we give money to them, more innocent people will be bad guy’s target, they will kidnap more kids, cripple them, and make them a read resource of money.


Second, even though the bagger will be violently doze if they don’t beg enough money a day, there is nothing we can do, but let the government to deal with it. The government should made a policy against this professional beggar market, sanctions against the bad guys. Help those poor beggars out of the living hell. Passenger’s power is minimal; to the contrary, this will have reverse effects. There is no doubt that disabled beggars are miserable, but we should help them in the right way.


To sum up, we shouldn’t give money to beggars, give money could be a harmful to them, and make more innocent people become a potential beggar; just let the government and hospice do the job what should they do.


英语范文:我们该如何看待和应对自然灾害How Should We See The Natural Disasters?(参考)

Psychic Upheaval Caused by Natural Disasters

1. 近来,地震、海啸、泥石流等自然灾害频频光顾地球,很多人因此出现了恐慌的心理,认为地球末日可能来临。

2. 作为一名大学生,你有什么看法,且如何缓解自己的心理恐慌?


In the past few days, there have been frequent natural disasters, namely earthquakes,mud-rock flow, tsunami, floods and so on, which killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes. Consequently, large numbers of people have suffered psychic upheaval and deemed the doomsday of earth is coming near.


As a university student, I hope people should be aware that those disasters are not the hints of doomsday, but just retribution of our doings on earth. So as to calm psychic upheaval, we should take actions to stop damaging our home-planet, for instance, do not cut down too many trees in the forests, try to protect environment right start from daily things and make the earth a lovely place suitable to live in.


What’s more, in case of emergencies and disasters, we should keep our head, and rely on ourselves to escape from the disasters.






第一段中涉及自然灾害的名称earthquake表示“地震”、 tsunami表示“海啸”、mud-rock flow表示“泥石流”; doomsday表示“世界末日”。

第二段中retribution表示“回报,报应”;第三段中keep one’s head表示“保持冷静”。

精彩英语作文:Should We Help Strangers? (一) 是否应该帮助陌生人?(一)【推荐】

It is well known that the topic that whether we should help strangers when they get into trouble has attracted many persons' attention. What's more, the opinion differs from one person to another.


First of all, some persons hold this view that ready to help others is the traditional virtue of China and we should help strangers when they are in trouble. However, there as well are some people who think that coming to strangers' aid could cause great harm to ourselves and as a result of this, we shouldn't help strangers. Despite these are facts, in my view, there is no doubt that we should help strangers in good time. All of us need a hand once sometimes, if we don’t help others, how can expect others to help us. So there is great need for us to help strangers who are in the soup.


In a word, we should adhere to our moral code firmly. And we should give aid to strangers when they need help. Only in this way can our world become more harmonious.


精彩英语作文:Should We Have Cosmetic Surgery? 应不应该做整容手术?(收藏)

Experts estimate that 30 percent people who make cosmetic in Seoul are Chinese. With the development of technology, the risks and costs of cosmetic surgery can be minimized. But should we have cosmetic surgery? It is a controversial topic.


Some people agree that due to the advantages of cosmetic surgery. There are two main points to explain the advantages. First, cosmetic surgery is a mean of gaining confidence and self-esteem. We have to admit that good-looking people are more popular than people who don’t look good. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” said Endymion. Second, beautiful appearance can improve one’s chance in the job market and later help one’s career.


Other people think it’s unnecessary to have cosmetic surgery. First, as everyone will become old, outer beauty is temporary. What we should do is to improve our inner beauty. Second, companies will not have a person with a beautiful appearance but no brain.


In my opinion, the meaning of life lies in knowledge and perfection of character instead of seeking temporary outer beauty. But cosmetic surgery is a person choice, having nothing to do with others.


作文推荐 Should we be Mortgage Slave? 房奴,应不应该?

With the increasing of social competition, there are more and more people becoming mortgage slave. As the housing price is too high to afford and everyone wants a house to be their home, so they try every means to buy a house. This is the reason for the appearing of mortgage slave. They choose to pay by installment to afford a house. Some people are happy to have such a good way to solve the housing problem. But some are not agree with this way for some reason. In my opinion, I don’t think to be the mortgage slave is a good choice.

随着社会竞争的日益加剧,越来越多的人成为房奴。由于房价太高,很多人无法买得起房,而想要一个房子作为家则是每个人的想法,所以他们会想尽办法买房。这就是出现房奴的原因。他们会选择分期付款来买房子。有些人很高兴有这样的一个好办法来解决住房问题。但有些人却有他的理由而不同意这一做法。在我看来,我不认为 “房奴”是一个很好的选择。

Firstly, mortgage slave will reduce the quality of people’s life. Ignoring the housing debt, the main purpose for people to work is earning money to enjoy life. However, having the debt, they are afraid of doing everything with money, such as, they don’t dare to change job casually, they don’t dare to join the entertainment cost money, they afraid goods become expensive and so on. They will use money carefully, otherwise, the money they earn would not afford for their expense, because they have to afford the housing debt every month.

首先,房奴会降低人们的生活质量。不考虑房债,人们工作的主要目的是赚钱来享受生活。然而,有了房债,需要到钱的事情他们都不敢做 ,比如,不敢轻易换工作,不敢参与需要花钱的娱乐,他们害怕商品价格上涨等等。他们会很小心地用钱,否则,他们挣的钱也不够他们的消费,因为他们每个月还得付房贷。

Secondly, being the mortgage slave will increase the pressure of human being. As we all know that living in the modern society is full of stress, but being a mortgage slave will increase their pressure. It not hard to imagine how their life would be. Nobody can live happily under great stress. It is bad for their health.


In general, according to the reasons I mentioned above, I really don’t really agree with being mortgage slave. If living so unhappy, what is the purpose to own a house?
