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精彩英语作文:How Character Influences People 性格对人的影响


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It is known to all that women live longer than men generally, because men are under much pressure than women, but a research found that character also had influence on life span. There were over 200 people who were older than 100 took the experiment and the result showed that people who were outgoing lived longer.


The conclusion of the experiment helpes people to cultivate the good character. The one who is sympathetic and more likely to cooperate with others have lived longer. It is easy to understand the reason. He likes to share happiness and sorrow with his friends. When he is in trouble, many friends will come to help him. So he live with less pressure.


So in the family, as parents’ behaviors have great influence on their children, they will decide what character their children will have. The parents who are open-minded and optimistic will lead the kids to a bright future and live happily and longer.


Character can’t decide people’s fate, but we can learn to make some changes and to be a better person. A healthy man means both physically and mentally healthy.



精彩英语作文:The Number of Average Salary Surprises People 平均收入让人吃惊(参考)

Every year, the average salary will be announced to the public and there is no doubt that people laugh at themselves for they are so far away from these numbers. The data seems to be ridiculous for most people, but as a matter of fact, it shows that the gap between the rich and the poor is bigger and bigger.


China’s economy develops very fast and the world is watching us. Since the policy of Reform and Open carried out, we met many challenges and chances. A lot of people seize the chance and earn a lot o f money. These rich people use their first money to invest other projects and become the millionaires. While for some people who just do their own jobs and earn the basic money, they do not earn much money.


As a result, the rich become richer. This is the reason why the data seems to be so high for most people. One rich people can make the average salary look much higher, which surprises the ordinary people. Though people complain about the large gap, the successful people deserve to own such fortune.


优秀英语作文 People and the Environmen 人与环境(必备)

As the technology and economic is developing, the environment problem is becoming a severe problem, and the people are seriously affected.


The sustained damage to the environment has caused a serious problem, such as air pollution, sand storm, extraordinary weather, and diseases etc., people suffer from what they have done to the environment.


However. People have realized that it will be too late if they don’t do anything to prevent things from getting worse. For example, there is an “Earth Hour” on a Saturday of March of each year. It is a global movement, usually it lasts from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. It is also called “Light-off for One Hour”. During this hour, all the light will be turned off. The purpose of this movement is not only to save energy, but also to warn the people to realize the importance of protecting the mother earth, and to stop violating the environment.


Anyway, people and the environment have to keep a balance relationship. People take from the environment, and have to protect it too.


作文推荐 Does Smartphone Affects People's Sleep? 手机对睡眠有影响吗?【精】

With the popularity of smartphone, people use it all the time, no matter what they are doing. Many people have the habit of keeping smartphone at hand when they sleep, because they like to play it before sleep. Rumor goes that keeping cellphone around will bring cancer, but there is no direct evidence.


It has been spread for a long time that electronic devices will radiate harmful elements and do harm to people’s health. When we see the news that people die of cancer, we will naturally think about electronic devices. It seems that our bodies were badly damaged by this radiation. As most people like to put their phones around them when they sleep, they are so worried about their health.


According to the experts, they said that keeping smartphone around the bed would surely affect our sleep, because when the phone receiving message, the screen would turn light or make some noise, which would disturb us from sweet dreams, then affect our health. So regardless of the unsure radiation, we should stay away smartphone when we sleep.


传媒体对青少年的影响How influentital the Media on Teens Are【精】

How influentital the Media on Teens Are

It has been a hot topic discussed heatedly for the time being that how indeed the media influence our teens. Different peopie come up with different opinions. The following passages are two different comments given by several teenagers ranging from 15 to 20. One, Teens are the most influenced and the easiest to be influenced by the media. The media influence the way they dress, talk and conduct themselves. From the latest trends to the coolest celebrities, they imirate what they see, whether it's Katie Holmes's new haircut or the pink shirt that Christina Aguilera wore. So it follows that more serious actions like carrying arms or doing drugs could be copied as well. Young people are impressionable. Therefore, some request that the media should take responsibility by changing some of the content of their shows especially those for teens. They are huge consumers of media, so networks should show them respect by promoting positive images. They think some shows confuse the lines between entertainment and life.The producers know their audiences are young, so they should realize that teens watching "reality" shows might not be ableto tell the difference between fantasy and fiction. Opposing voices have also come from others. They think that they use the media--magazines, television and movies--to connect to one another and to the world, so naturally,they're influenced by the images the media present. For example, a boy would be lying if he said he didn't want to be like Brad Pitt. Pitt's flawless style, good looks and moneymaking talent seem to define what's "cool". Nevertheless, those teens hold that the media only provide information, what they as viewers do with that knowledge is up to themselves. They have to learn to make their own choices and accept responsibility for their actions. To blame entertainment figures for certain crimes committed by teens isfunny. It's not the fault of TV. Media are an expression of our culture--not the cause. It's time we stop making the media a scapegoat for our nation's problems. It's not the media's job to make sure kids understand what they're watching; that responsibility belongs to parents. Parents and schools should dedicate more time to establishing clear rules of discipline.The influence of parents and teachers--the teens' true role model--carries more weight with teenagers than what they hear on the radio or see at the movies.

英语范文:描写人物的英语作文Describing People

Perhaps the most vital person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa.Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his special qualities.First of all,I was impressed by his devotion to teaching. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered, students swarmed into his classroom. His followers appreciated the fact that he believed in what he taught and that he was intellectually stimulating.Furthermore, he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an imaginative way,introducing such aids to understanding as paintings, recordings,pieces of sculpture, and guest lecturers. Once he even sang a song in class to illustrate a point. Second, I admired the fact that he would confer with students outside of the classroom or talk with them on the telephone. Drinking coffee in the snack bar, he would easily make friends with students. Sometimes he would challenge a student to a game of chess. At other times, he would join groups to discuss subjects ranging from astronomy to scuba diving. Many young people visited him in his office for academic advice; others came to his home for social evenings. Finally,I was attracted by his lively wit. He believed that no class hour is a success unless the students and the professor share several chuckles and at least one loud laugh.Through his sense of humor, he made learning more enjoyable and more lasting.If it is true that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry,then my friend is truly a wise man. Probably the best example of his wit is this bit of wisdom with which he once ended a lecture:“It is as dangerous for man to model himself upon his invention, the machine,as it would be for God to model Himself upon His invention.”


优秀英语作文 关于科技进步对社会发展影响

21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the internet, computer, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and better.

First, the development of computer changes our life. Decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for calculation. As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a minute. Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical calculation. Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more efficiently.

Also, internet is another useful tool for us today. The development of internet brings a great impact toward the society. Instead of going to library and fliping all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use a mouse and click on the website to do research. The internet leads us to a place where we can find unlimited information and resources. It makes our life much easier and better.

The last technology is cellphone. Nowadays, many people have a cellphone. But it just appears on the market for about 10 years. It is very convenience to the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a wallet. Also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of sending letters. It is very fast and useful way to communicate.

In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our life. It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep improving in future.


精彩英语作文:Should Older People Live with Their Adult Children?老人是否





One of the topics in our daily life is whether or not the older people should live with their adult children. My answer to the question is that it is better for them not to.

To begin with, adult children, like their parents, love indepen dence and freedom, but their parents may still take them as children. The situation will be worse when the adult children are married. If the relationship between the children and file parents is not harmonious, the sons or daughters of the parents will be in a difficult position. Secondly, people of different ages have different ways of life. If they live together, the old may feel that they are always disturbed and the young may feel that they are often restricted.

In short, if the parents and their adult children do not live together, both the old and the young can enjoy complete independence and freedom. Living separately does not mean separation of relations. The parents and their children can still often visit and help each other if they stay in the saine neighborhood.