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Should TV Advertisement be Banned? 应不应该限制电视广告(收藏)


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With the development of a market-oriented economy, advertisement becomes a dominant feature in the television industry. Some people think it bring lots of advantages and convenience for human beings, while some people consider the disadvantages it brings are more than advantages and it should be restricted. What do you think of it? For me, i think it should be banned. There are several reasons to support my view.


Firstly, today’s TV advertisement has too much illusive descriptions. As most of the present advertisements are commercial, their purpose is to convince the public to buy their products and then get money from it. In the most cases, they will use exaggerated ways to convince people. Sometimes they will even show some false information to people. For example, the losing weight advertisement. If people can lose so much weight by having their medicine, the world will be no fat.


Secondly, too much commercial advertisement will have negative effect on children. Television has become one of the necessary amusement tools in every family and nearly every family has one. Of course, it also becomes the amusement tool for children. If they have received so much information about the materials, their life value may be affected. What’s worse, it will affect their life purpose.


To sum up, too much TV advertisement brings more disadvantages than advantages. To the health of human beings and the next generation, i think TV advertisement should be restricted.



精彩英语作文:Should We Have Cosmetic Surgery? 应不应该做整容手术?(收藏)

Experts estimate that 30 percent people who make cosmetic in Seoul are Chinese. With the development of technology, the risks and costs of cosmetic surgery can be minimized. But should we have cosmetic surgery? It is a controversial topic.


Some people agree that due to the advantages of cosmetic surgery. There are two main points to explain the advantages. First, cosmetic surgery is a mean of gaining confidence and self-esteem. We have to admit that good-looking people are more popular than people who don’t look good. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” said Endymion. Second, beautiful appearance can improve one’s chance in the job market and later help one’s career.


Other people think it’s unnecessary to have cosmetic surgery. First, as everyone will become old, outer beauty is temporary. What we should do is to improve our inner beauty. Second, companies will not have a person with a beautiful appearance but no brain.


In my opinion, the meaning of life lies in knowledge and perfection of character instead of seeking temporary outer beauty. But cosmetic surgery is a person choice, having nothing to do with others.


精彩文章学生应不应该对老师进行评价? Should Teachers Be Evaluated by Students?(收藏)

Teachers often get a chance to evaluate their students. Now the situation has changed. Schools allow students to evaluate the work of their teachers. This causes discussions about whether teachers should be evaluated by students. The views vary from person to person, and I prefer to say yes to this act because it provides a good way for teachers to learn their disadvantages and improve the quality of teaching.


Firstly, it’s a good way for students to express their opinions about teachers and lectures. From the expression, teachers can learn their advantages and disadvantages, which is important to improve their teaching skills. Secondly, students often evaluate teachers by doing some questionnaires, which are questions and selections on the paper, ranging from teachers skills to homework arrangement. Teachers can get much useful information from these questionnaires. Besides, the evaluated result will be submitted to school leaders who will judge whether the teacher is qualified or not. Finally, students will be motivated to pay more attention during classes and to listen to lectures more regularly, since they will be asked to give their own opinions about what they’ve heard. Of course, when students do the evaluations, they should be objective and impartial so that the evaluated result can be more useful and persuasive.


From what has been discussed above, we may confidently come to conclusion that teachers should be evaluated by students.


优秀英语作文 Should We Buy iPhone 我们应不应该购买苹果手机【推荐】

iPhone is made in USA, but extremely popular in China. It is public cognition that iPhone is a high level smart product. It is good but expensive. Some people even joke that they will sell one of their kidney to buy an iPhone. Though it is a joke, it respects a social phenomenon that people’s desire to buy a expensive cellphone. Should we buy it? I think it depends on people’s own financial ability.

iPhone是美国产的手机,却在中国异常受欢迎。在公众的认知中iPhone是一个高端的智能产品。它很好却也很贵。有些人甚至开玩笑说他们要卖掉一个肾来买一个iPhone手机。尽管这是一个玩笑,却也反映出了一种社会现象,那就是人们对买一个昂贵手机的欲望。 我们应不应该购买苹果手机?我认为这要看个人的经济实力。

One the one hand, we all know that iPhone is a kind of status symbol in people’s mind, so some people just want to show off to buy an iPhone that is not necessary, especially for those have economy annoyance. As you are not rich enough, you will gain burden to your life if you buy a cellphone about 6,000 RMB. And what you use it to do is the same as other cheaper phone. The purpose you buy it just for flaunt. If you are this kind of people, please do not buy an iPhone, because life is much important than face.


One the other hand, if you are a rich people, just buy one, as it is good to use in some point. Its hard software and system are better than some other phone. After all, you have money, then you can do whatever you want with money.


In conclusion, before we decide to buy an iPhone or not, what we need to think is our own situation.


精彩英语作文:学生应不应该拥有电脑 Should Students Own Computers(必备)

As more and more students tend to takecomputers to college, a hot discuss on this phenomenon attract people’sattention. Some say that students can use computers to study. Some think thatstudents can contact with their families and friends. Some believe studentsspend too much playing computers. In my point of view, I think students shouldbe allowed to take computers to college. Reasons are as follows.


First of all, students can learn much from computers. As we enter intothe 21 century, almost all people use computers to work. Hence, if students owncomputers, then they can learn how to use computer so that they wouldn’t lagbehind. Besides, students can learn knowledge by surfing the internet. If theycome across a certain subject, then, they can use computers to search for therelative knowledge.


Secondly, student can contact with families and friends quite often. As computers are so available, people use computers to contactwith their families and friend quite often by chat tools which will save uslots of money rather than talking on the phone.


All in all, students should be allowed to own computers so that they cannot only learn lots of knowledge but also they can contact with others wheneverthey want.


优秀英语作文 父母应不应该替孩子买房Should Parents Buy Apartments for Children?(参考)

In recent years, Chinese housing pricesbecome higher and higher, whether own a room, has become a standard ofmeasuring one's financial capacity ability. Most young people are justgraduated, and can not afford a house. Under this background, parents helpingtheir children buy a house in China has become a new "tradition." Inmy opinion, parents can provide help for children to buy a house, but there isno obligation to buy a house for the children.


First, young people should learn more, payattention to accumulate more experience, instead of concerning with material conditions.They could rent house first, while they have enough money, they could buy thehouse they want. China's housing prices generally very expensive, especiallyfront-line cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai. And not every family has thecondition for their children to buy a house, so young people should change theconcept of depending on their parents, and fight for their own financial independence.Second, parents always give without asking return in the process of childrengrowing up. When the youth grow up, they should return parents and give themmore care, rather than further request. Finally, to buy a house will bringyoung people a certain amount of pressure, but pressure is power, it will spurmore ambitious young people and mark them work harder.


In summary, parents should give childrenmore space and time to be independent, as well as youth. If they decide to buyan apartment, they should take their present financial condition intoconsideration.


Should Ads Be Restricted? 广告应该受到限制吗?(必备)

Ads can be seen everywhere. The manufacturers spread the idea of the products to attract more people to purchase. Indeed, if the ads are well planned and catches the public’s attention, then naturally the products will be sold out. But the ads should be based on the original value.


Every ad tries to implant some idea to the customers. The value behind these ads need to be positive and lead people have the right attitude to life. But some ads exaggerate the faces and implant wrong ideas to the public. For example, the medicine about lose weight. The ads show to the public that only skinny girls can be beautiful and attract the boy’s attention. This is really the wrong idea to show beauty, especially for the teenagers. They are young and are easy to be misled by these terrible ideas.


Those ads should be restricted, if they contain the wrong idea or show the improper pictures, such as violence, which brings negative information to the teenagers. The good ads should spread positive sides to the public and lead people treat life right.


Abortion Should Be Banned(收藏)

It has been a controversial topic whether abortionshould be legalized or not for a long time. It has caused many debates in manycountries around the world. Now, in some countries, abortion is legalized, butin some countries, if you have an abortion, you will be punished by the law. Inmy opinion, I think abortion should not be legalized. It should be banned,which is beneficial for the health of women and the development of theteenagers.

In many debates about the problem, people will talkabout the human rights. The pro-choice groups may argue that women have theright of freedom and women have the right to chose whether or not to give birthto the child. We have no right to ask women to keep the foetus in their wombs.Indeed, women are free to choose, but, the foetus also have the right of life.If you had abortions, you deprived their right of life. Why don’t we protectthe right of the foetus?

Besides, some of the pro-choice groups may argue thatmost of women who choose to have abortions are too young to take theresponsibility for bringing up the child. If they give birth to the child,their future life may be unhappy. So, will their futures not be affected ifthey have abortions? No one is sure about the answer. I think that they maythink they have no mistakes. Then, they will have abortion boldly and they willnot restrict their actions. More teenagers may have sexual behaviour in school.All of these will affect their futures.

Therefore, I think that abortion should be banned.Firstly, abortion is harmful to women’s body and psyche. Sometimes, abortionmay cause some gynecological diseases, and which may affect their whole life.Moreover, if girls have several abortions, their fertility will be affected.They may not be pregnant when they want to have children. Besides, the abortionactually is to kill the foetus. So this may make some mental shadows in theirmind. Some women may have psychological problems because of it.

Secondly, it is not conducive to the development ofthe teenagers and young people. If abortion is legal, the teenagers will notafraid of being pregnant, and then they may not restrict their sexualbehaviours. Thus, the teenagers and the young people will develop some badhabits of life. Some may be self-indulgent. Moreover, if they can have abortionarbitrarily, they may not realize that they should take responsibility fortheir behaviour. All of these will affect their development and futures.

All in all, the abortion is immoral and is harmful towomen in body and psyche. Moreover, it may have bad influence on the teenagers.Therefore, we should not support the abortion. The abortion should be banned.The behaviour of the young people should be restricted. Thus, we can provide abetter social environment for the teenagers and they can have good futures.

大学生作文分享 山寨文化不应该受到鼓励 Shanzhai Culture Should Not Be Encouraged(参考)

"Shanzhai" first became a name for fakes after Shanzhai cell phones' popularity in the market. Now it has been given a broader meaning of fake, uNPRofessional or homemade, and a slang for anything that steals ideas or styles from already well-known stuff. Some believe that "Shanzhai" has become a culture of its own and it represents non-mainstream ideas and innovations. However, from my point of view, it's not a healthy culture but piracy.


"Shanzhai" comes from copying and plagiarizing and often infringes on intellectual property rights. For example, imitated electronics, including cell phones, MP3s and even laptops, are the most common "shanzhai" products. Despite the possible infringement of IP rights, they are much liked by many people as a good way to spend less. However, consumers' interests should not be at the expense of legitimate IP right holders. IP right laws are there to protect the interests of patent, copyright and trademark holders for a limited period of time. They are devised not only to reward innovators, but also to encourage further creativity. If illegal "shanzhai" is not held accountable, society is rewarding copycats while punishing innovators. The result could be disastrous. Everyone will choose to copy others. The market will be flooded with the same kind of poorly-designed and badly-made products that have short lives and lack after-sale services.


From the above discussion, we can see clearly that "shanzhai" culture is not a healthy one. It violates IP rights and undermines market competition order under the disguise of grassroots culture.
