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Dear _,

A Master’s student of accounting at Xiamen University, the best higher-learning institution in China’s strategically important Province of Fujian, across the Straits from Taiwan, I would like to pursue Ph. D. studies in your distinguished program so that I can be assured a teaching career in my motherland.

My education so far is characterized by indisputable excellence. During the four years of my undergraduate studies, my GPA was consistently the highest in my class of 135 students. As you can see from the transcripts of my academic record, I received straight A’s for all the courses except for first-year Physical Education. My graduation was rated “Outstanding”, the highest rating possible. An in-depth analysis of the ethical standards of Chinese auditors, the paper was later published in a quality professional journal as a seminal study of a rarely studied topic in China. As the unquestionably best student in my year, I was accepted into graduate studies by the university without the normally mandatory entrance examinations.

In recognition of my academic performance and other strengths, I was decorated with many honors and accolades during my undergraduate studies. I was elected the monitor of the class and the Vice President of the university’s Student Union, making me the most important female student leader on campus. Among the financial awards I won was the Jiageng Scholarship, the university’s most prestigious award named after its founder Chen Jiageng, one of the best known patriotic Chinese in the first half of this century. The Jiageng /scholarship is offered to only ten students each year, and the offer is usually presented to the recipients by the university’s president in person in a grand ceremony, as it was in 1996, when I got it.

In my undergraduate studies, I had broad academic interests, although I majored in accounting. I regularly read academic journals, both Chinese and international, to keep me abreast of the latest developments in accounting and other related fields. I devoted considerable time to learning such subjects as law and economics. My extensive knowledge provided me solid grounding as I narrowed down my research interest to professional ethics of accountants. In a country that has only an inchoate legal regime governing professional practice. Enforcing high ethical standards is both difficult and critical. But studies have been scant and haphazard so far. I am glad that I have made quite some contribution to the country’s discourse in this area.

Yours sincerely,




































出租车需要提前叫,这时开车技能显得尤其重要。最重要的是如果遇到罢工,离校区远的话简直是欲哭无泪,所有公共交通停运,是选择逃课呢还是求同学接送呢? 有驾照的话买一辆车,采购问题完美解决,不用拎着超市买的大包小包倒车换车回家,上课自己开车去,随便罢工几天不用愁!














法国垃圾有严格的分类。搞清楚当地的垃圾分类和回收方法也是很有必要滴! 在法国,通常门前或者楼下有两种颜色垃圾桶,灰色盖子用来放不可回收的垃圾,黄色盖子用来放可回收的垃圾。




Dear _,

There is a rapid growth in global organisational concepts, crystallised in Japanese business philosophy, to be as effective as possible in the most efficient way. New technology involving networking information and automation influences the behaviour of business and enables significant transformation. This need to maximise efficiency and effectiveness in such a competitive age is increasingly crucial to the success of a business. This is why it is an exciting and fascinating period in both the commercial and economic world to study Business Management.

Adaptability, creative thinking and the application of technology are now intrinsic to managing businesses. I have developed these principles and enjoyed the spectrum of sixth form study that has taught me to approach problems from different political, economical and psychological perspectives. Throughout Business Studies, to complement what has been taught I have researched real-life business solutions and how they have been implemented, such as the responsive marketing used by Coca Cola to prolong their business cycle and sustain major profitability. Studying ICT has enabled me to examine the criticality of technology in giving businesses a competitive edge by considering issues such as organisational objectives, people and legal implications rather than making decisions based solely on financial factors. Furthermore, studying Psychology gives me insight into the human influences on organisational behaviour through studying motivational theories such as the hierarchy of needs model proposed by Maslow, whilst the coursework has developed my skills in collecting and analysing data in order to establish trends and draw conclusions. Studying English Language has allowed me to develop an ability to express my ideas clearly and concisely.

I have worked for _ as a Tester, assisting in the development of _, the fastest-selling PC game ever. It was a significant learning experience and made me evaluate myself and better understand my strengths and skills, such as the ability to easily identify discrepancies and communicate these effectively to management so that problems can be solved. Recent experience at _ Ltd gave me a taste of working within a larger organisation. Operating within two different, but equally successful organisations has enabled me to see contrasting leadership styles and corporate culture. Within college, I participated in a paired reading project where I listened to and assessed readers lower down the school which required a relaxed, patient and friendly approach with the younger students, as well as punctuality and dedication. Throughout the past year, I have represented the college in district basketball and rugby competitions.

I am a committed member of the Colts team at my local rugby side. I have captained the team in previous seasons which required leadership, confidence and diligence. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to a range of music, going to the gym and socialising. I am a regular reader of the Financial Times, enjoy keeping up with current affairs and business news. I enjoy reading a variety of books, both fiction and non-fiction such as 'Making It Happen' (J. Harvey-Jones) where his common sense approach complements the management theories of more staid texts. This degree will equip me for my career in the unpredictable and fast moving world of commerce.

Yours sincerely,

















如果进入的是理工类,对语言要求不是太高的专业,并且有1年语言的情况下,需 达到欧盟A2以上水平;

如果进入的是语言水平要求较高的专业但也有1年语言、或者要进入的是预科(不论 语言水平是否要求高),需要B1以上水平;

如果不是语言,也不是预科,而是要直接进入专业,那么至少要达到B2的水平, C1要求更为普遍!











这里不是“奥尔良烤翅”的那个奥尔良。这座城市因圣女贞德的故事而闻名,百年战争期间, 法国女英雄圣女贞德领导人民在此打败英国占领军。在这儿生活学习,平均每月的花销是778,15欧元。








主要是住房的补贴,不管大家是住校还是租房,都可以提交申请获得相应的补贴,这是由法国的CAF (Caisse des allocations familiales) 发放的,留学生是特殊申请的群体。

具体项目有社会住房补贴(l’allocation de logement sociale),个人化住房补贴l(’aide personnalisée au logement )和家庭住房补助( l’allocation de logement familial )。









Dear _,

I am planning to pursue graduate studies towards a Ph.D. degree at your school of engineering starting from the fall of 1999.

My interest in the building structure can be traced back to my success in high school years, when I excelled my fellow classmates in physics and geometry. This not only fired off my interest in structural design but also helped to lay solid groundwork for my undergraduate studies in civil engineering, which heavily involved mechanics in physics and solid geometry.

With excellent scores in the compulsory national university entrance examination, I won acceptance in 1991 into the Beijing Polytech University, one of China’s top 10 engineering schools, particularly well-known for its structural engineering. For five years at this university, I received strict and thorough training in areas such as building structures, building materials. Soil mechanics and foundation, concrete and masonry structures, construction, steel structure and earthquake resistant structure. I also took every opportunity to participate in co-po work and projects commissioned by construction and design companies.

Opportunities abound for civil engineers and civil engineering students in China, which now houses the world’s fastest growing major economy. At every year’s job fair held on the campus of the Polytech University, more than 200 positions compete for 60-odd graduating students. Under such circumstances, undergraduate students in their fifth year are also in high demand for internship at various construction companies and design institutes. Virtually every student gets a full workload immediately upon starting the internship and assumes considerable responsibilities soon afterwards.

I became the luckiest among the lucky by winning a rare opportunity for any civil engineer: to participate in the design of the Beijing Western Railway Station, the largest urban structure in China up to date. This happened while I interned, along with five other schoolmates, at the Beijing Architectural Institute. This institute has designed virtually all the modern landmark buildings in China, including the famous Great Hall of the People and the Museum of Revolutionary History on the Tiananmen Square, the Beijing Railway Station and the Asian Games Village. It was on the strength of my academic merits that I got to enjoy these opportunities.

The Western station project in Beijing consisted of the mail hall (70,000 square meters), south wing building group (40,000 square meters) and north wing building group (35,000 square meters). My task was to assist in the design of a shopping centre in the south wing which had 16,000 square meters. I independently accomplished a quarter of the design for the whole building, mainly responsible for the foundation design, calculation and drawing of steel distribution of beam, floor, columns and concrete piles. I cherished this opportunity to apply the knowledge I had learned in the classroom to the real world problems and I worked with my utmost dedication.

I, however, soon found out that, even in this monumental project, design techniques applied in many cases left much to be desired. When treating the wind load, the earthquake force and the effect of frozen soil, historical data and intelligent estimates were used in place of accurate measuring. This phenomenon made me determined to improve my knowledge and skills in a graduate program that can teach sophisticated know-how, such as yours.

It regrettably turned out that the design of the mail hall was seriously flawed, which drew intense media attention nationwide. The structure sank two meters after completion. As experts continue to help the court determine who is responsible, I myself have been awed by this drama and kept researching it ever since it became known.

My tentative explanation, submitted to take into account the underground water’s power of buoyancy, even though the structure base was put below the waterbed. The structure floated until enough load was mounted. The proper construction method therefore should have involved artificial precipitation until the completion of structure.

Upon graduation in 1996, I joined the Beijing Biggest Co., one of the four largest construction companies in China, and immediately took on management duties as an assistant manger at the construction site. I have supervised steel engineering, concrete engineering and platform engineering for there twenty-three story buildings in the Beijing DD residential area, a total of 60,000 square meters in apartments. In this capacity, I was compelled to learn management skills which had never been taught in the classroom. Although construction management is not what I foresee to be a lifetime pursuit, I executed my duty meticulously and creatively. I became the first construction site manager in the company to conduct experiments comparing box-weir maintenance and the traditional manual watering method. By using box-weir method, weak concrete and cracks in the concrete were eliminated. Through these important, albeit small, steps of improvement, I have derived immense satisfaction.

My vigorous academic training and exposure to intricate design problems and complex construction management issues has stood me in good stead professionally compared to my peers. My plan to further my career through advanced studies stems from self-confidence in my academic calibre and also a strong desire to solve design and construction problems encountered at work. I have researched your program based on the materials I have available to me and decided that advanced studies under your seasoned guidance will be a shortcut for me to reach my goal. I request that you give my application for admission and financial support favourable consideration.

Yours sincerely,











在法国读本科预科的学生在学习完预科的课程之后还需要在法国参加TCF DAP的考试,并且考试的分数要高于300分,还需要学生在预科结束的时候参加预科的考试,等到预科考试合格(要考到DELF2级的水平)才可以进入本科学习。在法国读硕士预科的学生只要预科的考试合格就可以进入硕士的课程学习了。













Dear _,

I am a person keen on challenges. Law will provide me with the kind of constant challenge I have always craved, while helping me to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. Also my concern and curiosity about society and its people inspired me to pursue this subject for my higher education, as I believe Law plays an essential role in the changing nature of society

My upbringing has honed my perception of society and people leading me to be acutely aware of social injustice, inequality, exploitation, discrimination, and religious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I come from - Bangladesh. I possess a desire, to struggle if necessary through my life in establishing a society which will be free from exploitation and inequality. As such, I have chosen to study Law, for I believe the proper implementation of Law is the only potent weapon to obliterate injustice. I believe throughout the history of the world, working classes have been deceived by the upper class bourgeoisie and the elites - my ultimate goal in life is to establish the rights of the socially deprived classes. I always have wondered why Law has not been used to raise the voice of the working class, and why it has been used to safeguard the interests of people who are exploiting. I seek a new definition of human rights - the true definition, without exploitation and corruption colouring the notion

My greatest wonder is why our society and the legal system, do not point out economic exploitation as an abuse of human rights; for it is the root of poverty, which elicits crime. If the creation of Law is to curb injustice, why has it not been used to eradicate this injustice? Taking law as a subject for higher education will hopefully help me find answers to my questions, and will teach me the proper method of implementation

I am someone who is passionate to evaluate problems. I am not an extremist but I do not hesitate to resort to radical measures if the situation forces it. I believe, in a society, co-operation is more desired than competition; competition doesn't necessarily bring rapid prosperity. I adhere to a socialistic political ideology, and aim to devote myself in establishing true socialism. I am from a country, which has been subject to military dictatorship for over twenty years after her independence. My political consciousness grew during the time, when my father was imprisoned by the military just because he was a leader of a political party who opposed military regime. Police and military jointly ran a brutal campaign throughout the country to repress politicians, where they imprisoned and sometimes killed thousands of students, politicians, professionals, workers, and even soldiers. These incidents severely affected my family, making my childhood a turbulent time. After the military regime failed, a western style democratic political structure was set up, which gave nothing, yet increased the discontent of the masses, and created some elites, who virtually control the country. Wealth and power both are centralized to them, law is a puppet in their hand, and they control everything, from economy to politics. Millions of people live below the poverty level, and there is nobody, not one strong and resilient political party to represent them. Extreme form of capitalism has taken over our country's social and human values, and morality is at the brink of extinction. Corruption is everywhere, human rights abuses are innumerable, political repression is paramount, money is power and power is everything. This indisciplined violent condition of my country created a rebellious nature within me that is why I have set my ambition to restructure the socio-political structure of my country in a radical way. I would like to utilize the knowledge I acquire from my life at university and beyond to clarify and show me the proper way of implementation of my thoughts

I have proved myself as an efficient and responsible student through primary and secondary school, I have been able to maintain and improve my grades, which are consistently good. Currently I am undertaking A' levels in History, Government & Politics, and Bengali. Being an ambitious and inquisitive person, even after completing a Foundation Programme with an overall A grade, I have chosen to do three A' levels in one year to study in one of the top British universities. History has always fascinated me; though this is the first time I am studying this subject in detail. In Government & Politics, I am learning about the procedures of law making and the system of politics and government in different countries. Languages have always been of interest to me, and my favoured loyalty is to my mother tongue - Bengali.

I have spent my time productively on extra curricular activities. I have keenly taken part in debating, student politics and acting in television dramas. I headed my school's debating society for one year and independently achieved many prizes in speech competitions at local and national levels. My hobbies include reading, playing cricket and table tennis, web browsing, etc.

The principal reason for my desire to study at UK is the quality of teaching here and particularly in my chosen subject, Law. I also find exciting the prospect of joining a university hee with international flavours and exceptional research facilities. I believe University is a place for accumulating more interests, for meeting people, for working hard, for finding a niche in life. I feel I have the commitment and confidence of giving my best during my university career and afterwards.

Yours sincerely,


































推荐信就是要在第三方角度来评价学生的,如果学生参加过工作再去申请的话是非常比较容易的。推荐信中是不要提到和学生没有关联的内容的,要把真诚的东西给展现出来。推荐信 对于学校的招生老师来说,他们比较看重的是你在学术上面的内容,你的学术能力还有你身上的优点,你要围绕这些吧自己身上的特质给展现畜类,还是说明你的哪些经历是可以证明的。许多学生的推荐信是完全只把学生本身的优势都罗列出来,并没有对这些进行解释说明,让招生的老师很难新去信服你的推荐信。推荐信一定要注意要使用细节去描述,招生的老师是没有办法从一段话当中就能看到学生的优点的,描述学生的每一个优点的时候就要有对应的具体例子来讨论。





Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England. The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.

With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.

As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives.

My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter F.Drucker. I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?

With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies.

Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries. The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work in this company. In May, 2005, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned.

During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.


1、 不要一味套用规律的写作模板回答问题,文书切忌照搬照抄,内容上要保证整体风格一致,有逻辑清楚的思路,文章以短小精悍为主,避免过于冗长。因为在法国留学申请旺季,招生官审查一个文书仅有几分钟,那种长篇大论类的文书只能让人心生厌烦。














I thought much before I began to write the PS. However, holding the pen, I suddenly felt wordless because I have too much to say, too much to write. Standing on the crossroad of life, I determined to study abroad without any hesitations.

It was not the desire for the life overseas, but the pursuit of my professional study that aroused my idea to study abroad. I was longing for the further study and embedded understanding of the essence of Information Science, tasting its charm. Pocketing this interest, I came into the department of Beijing Forestry University. Through several years’ study there, I gradually realized that the modern information society needed not only the professional talents in information science, but also the embedded researches in this field in order to use it into every enterprise. Meanwhile, it is certain that the information science is just the developing trend in the future, which could historically change the ever familiar life style. Therefore, in the process of learning, I can taste its interest and challenge, with which I can keep abreast with the latest technology. Furthermore, I think it was valuable for me to contribute my youth into the Information Science, the most prospective enterprise in the future.

My ordinary score on my school report will tell you that I am not good at examinations. Those so-called “examination skills” are also strange to me. Instead, I emphasize the practical operations and the real needs of the society, expecting to learn the knowledge and technology that stands at the top of the period. Therefore, I got the latest knowledge mainly by reading large amount of English books and browsing the websites. Besides, I participated in many practical activities, in which I could use what I have learnt into practice.

In my sophomore year, just as other schoolmates were submerging themselves into the fairy world of PC games, I began my part time working experience by working as a technician on the website of a small company. Just at that exciting time, I found that it was very difficult to use the theories I learnt on class into the practical work. Trapped in the gap between the school and society, I collected and summarized much practical professional files from a series of websites and learnt the HTML language and the CSS design by myself. From the first attempt in the society, I realized that I got much from difficulties rather than smooth work. On designing the information part of the website, I could not find the perfect combination between the files. However, as a hard-nosed boy, I was not defeated by the difficulties, but very excited towards them. By classifying and summarizing the files I found on the websites, I finally solved the problem.

yours Sincerely

















Dear _,

I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not in love with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost of not loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can ever be known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutely defend my beliefs. I understand that chance is prevalent in all aspects of life, but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything, but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability, but so does nature…probably.

I believe that all our actions are determined, but feel completely free to do as I choose. I do not believe in anything resembling a God, but would never profess omniscience with regard to such issues. I have faith in nothing, but trust that my family and friends will always be faithful. I feel that religion is among the greatest problems in the world, but also understand that it is perhaps the ultimate solution. I recognize that many people derive their morals from religion, but I insist that religion is not the only fountainhead of morality. I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do not believe that either should unquestioningly respect the other.

I want to study the law and become a lawyer, but I do not want to study the law just because I want to become a lawyer. I am aware that the law and economics cannot always be studied in conjunction, but I do not feel that either one can be properly studied without an awareness of the other. I recognize there is more to the law than efficiency, but believe the law should recognize the importance of efficiency more than it does. I love reading about law and philosophy, but not nearly as much as I love having a good conversation about the two. I know that logic makes an argument sound, but also know that passion makes an argument sound logical. I have philosophical beliefs informed by economics and economic beliefs informed by philosophy, but I have lost track of which beliefs came first. I know it was the egg though.

I always think very practically, but do not always like to think about the practical. I have wanted to be a scientist for a while now, but it took me two undergraduate years to figure out that being a scientist does not necessarily entail working in a laboratory. I play the saxophone almost every day, but feel most like an artist when deduction is my instrument. I spent one year at a college where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for my major, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience. I am incredibly passionate about my interests, but cannot imagine being interested in only one passion for an entire lifetime.

I love the Yankees, but do not hate the Red Sox. I love sports, but hate the accompanying anti-intellectual culture. I may read the newspaper starting from the back, but I always make my way to the front eventually. I am liberal on some issues and conservative on others, but reasonable about all of them. I will always be politically active, but will never be a political activist. I think everything through completely, but I am never through thinking about anything.

I can get along with almost anyone, but there are very few people without whom I could not get along. I am giving of my time, but not to the point of forgetting its value. I live for each moment, but not as much as I worry about the next. I consider ambition to be of the utmost importance, but realize that it is useless without the support of hard work. I am a very competitive person, but only when competing with myself. I have a million dreams, but I am more than just a dreamer. I am usually content, but never satisfied.

Yours sincerely,



























