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【www.1467.com.cn - 2022个人总结精选】



Dear _,

Brought up in a shabby and cramped small apartment, I was fascinated in my childhood by the exquisite houses and condominiums I watched on TV in images that had been shot in the developed countries. It has since been my dream to build up in China the same kind of quality human habitat. I believe that this dream can come true if I get to undertake advanced studies in architecture at your university.

I am now erecting fundamental building blocks towards the realization of my dream at the Harbin Institute of Technology (known as HIT), from which I am scheduled to graduate next year. This elite institution accepted me in 1995 in recognition of my strong performance in the National University Entrance Examinations, held once every year nationwide to screen high school graduates for higher education. Here, I have received vigorous training in structure engineering, an area of study that is essential to the country's frenzied construction industry.

Deeply in love with my chosen area of studies, I have turned my mind into an engine of creativity during three years of disciplined learning. Courses of my major, particularly structure mechanics, architecture material, and survey of engineering, fascinate me so much that I am sometimes completely enthralled in studying them. Looking now at the reinforced concrete structures around me, I not only detect the configuration inside easily but also arrive at some preliminary assessment of its strengths and weaknesses quickly. Everything that comes into my sight presents itself in the framework of some form of structure. Carefully groomed as the only child in my family, I cannot stand being the second best in any group and situation, especially when it comes to a contest of intellectual caliber. At HIT, I beat the odds and excelled all most of my fellow students in academic studies, making myself the undisputed academic leader of the class. Students and faculty alike are so accustomed to my academic excellence that everybody would be surprised in class if I happen not to be able to answer a question better than others even once. My motto is : one either comes out the first, or he is a failure. The university has awarded me a string of scholarships and other accolades in praise of my academic achievements.

But I am no bookworm. In fact, I am constantly engaged in a host of extracurricular activities, for which I have been conferred a Special Commendation for Participation in Social Activities. I have run and won the position of monitor in my class during my first semester, which made me a natural student leader. Active on campus, I was then appointed the recreation officer of the Student Association, in charge of organizing entertainment and other recreational events for the benefit of the students. I now also serve as the president of the Society of Student Architects and Engineers. Such involvement in the student affairs has tempered my skills in leadership, organization and communication. But more importantly, it has broadened my horizon and deepened my insights in terms of what constitutes beauty, grace and strength, which I believe will always help me in my engineering designs.

I would like to mention here my passion for a uniquely oriental sport called weiqi, known as the go in the English parlance. An intricate chess game, it is challenging to even the best and brightest minds. One usually has to be a full-time player to play it well. Not to be daunted, I not only joined the Weiqi Club on campus but also taken part in a national contest, in which I won the 12th place and the HIT team I led won the 3rd place. My achievement in the weiqi sport testifies to my superior mental power and intellectual resourcefulness.

To tap fully into my intellectual resources, I would like to take up the greater challenges of helping to design my country's skylines in the 21st century. For that, I need better training that what I have received. An American education will expose mw to new perspectives and endow me with new inspirations. When I get to combine my Chinese perspectives with those of the West, I should have no trouble fulfilling my ambition of cutting one of the best structure engineers in the world. With that, I want to design and build the most beautiful structures in China.

To ensure both my future and that of my country's construction industry, I sincerely hope that I could be admitted into your university. I am confident that, if I can be lucky enough to study under your seasoned guidance and with your kind financial assistance, many people in China will never have to endure the kind of shabby and inconvenient apartments that I endured as a child.

Yours sincerely,







































Dear _,

Whilst there is depth enough in examining the aesthetic beauty of well constructed prose for it to warrant study in itself, it is not primarily for this reason that I wish to read English literature. To be 'a fly on the wall in a far wider array of times and places', as A. C. Grayling puts it, 'is the gift that comes from thoughtful reading of even the most averagely good novels.' An integral part therefore of a novel's value to us is, in my opinion, its ability to transport us to a time or situation alien to our own. In this way our knowledge and potential to learn can be immeasurably expanded by the possibility of vicarious experience. Be it through the satire of Chaucer, the emotional articulacy of Shakespeare or the bleak frankness of Orwell, good literature can, and should, enlighten us to some degree about life, furthering our understanding of our fellow human beings.

Shakespeare and Chaucer are, among others, writers I have had the good fortune to study at A-level. Through the plays 'Hamlet' and 'Antony and Cleopatra' and the Tales of the Franklin and Merchant, tragedy and the ideal of courtly romance, are key themes I have explored. I have, however, delighted in alternative interpretations, particularly of the Canterbury tales, making me especially excited about studying the critical theory component of an English degree. I am aware that the restrictions of the A-level syllabus have perhaps resulted in a narrow, monocultural examination of rich texts and I thus relish the chance that university will bring to broaden my literary horizons.

My complementary 'A' levels, History and Philosophy, highlight further the ubiquity of literature, penetrating almost every other field of study. Just as the plays of Arthur Miller can further our understanding of America's post war 'Red Scare,' so can Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment lead us to question the moral values of utilitarianism and our innermost conception of our own identity. Indeed the expression of philosophical concepts within English literature is a topic I would love to explore further at some point during my university study.

I have welcomed the opportunity of sharing this enthusiasm with others during the final year in Sixth Form by helping struggling 12 and 13 year olds at a local comprehensive improve their reading skills. The experience has been particularly rewarding for me, and evocative of my own battle with dyslexia as a younger child. Outside of academia, I enjoy sports, having represented my College 1st XV Rugby team and Hockey 2nd XI. In further pursuit of self-development, I recently undertook a month long 'World Challenge' expedition to Outer Mongolia. The trip, which involved renovating classrooms of a remote primary school, gave me an insight into foreign culture as well as a fresh appreciation of beauty in the natural world. In an effort to complete the 'campfire scene,' I managed to take my acoustic guitar and accompany our singing; I continue to enjoy composing my own songs, inspired by the poetic lyrics of artists such as Bob Dylan.

I feel it is important to emphasise then that my interest in literature is not exclusively limited to its role in providing a window into the unfamiliar. Indeed the intrinsic value and resonating power to convey emotion which lies with 'the best words in their best order' is a fascinating and life-enriching topic of study in its own right. As Aldous Huxley's wonderful, autodidactic savage realises in A Brave New World, the limits of ones language truly are the limits of ones world. In the light of this, I happily anticipate spending the next few years of my life immersed in as many aspects of literature as possible, and subsequently, furthering the expansion my own 'world' through interaction with similarly passionate and like-minded people.

Yours sincerely,





























Dear _,

I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not in love with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost of not loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can ever be known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutely defend my beliefs. I understand that chance is prevalent in all aspects of life, but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything, but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability, but so does nature…probably.

I believe that all our actions are determined, but feel completely free to do as I choose. I do not believe in anything resembling a God, but would never profess omniscience with regard to such issues. I have faith in nothing, but trust that my family and friends will always be faithful. I feel that religion is among the greatest problems in the world, but also understand that it is perhaps the ultimate solution. I recognize that many people derive their morals from religion, but I insist that religion is not the only fountainhead of morality. I respect the intimate connection between morality and law, but do not believe that either should unquestioningly respect the other.

I want to study the law and become a lawyer, but I do not want to study the law just because I want to become a lawyer. I am aware that the law and economics cannot always be studied in conjunction, but I do not feel that either one can be properly studied without an awareness of the other. I recognize there is more to the law than efficiency, but believe the law should recognize the importance of efficiency more than it does. I love reading about law and philosophy, but not nearly as much as I love having a good conversation about the two. I know that logic makes an argument sound, but also know that passion makes an argument sound logical. I have philosophical beliefs informed by economics and economic beliefs informed by philosophy, but I have lost track of which beliefs came first. I know it was the egg though.

I always think very practically, but do not always like to think about the practical. I have wanted to be a scientist for a while now, but it took me two undergraduate years to figure out that being a scientist does not necessarily entail working in a laboratory. I play the saxophone almost every day, but feel most like an artist when deduction is my instrument. I spent one year at a college where I did not belong and two years taking classes irrelevant for my major, but I have no regrets about my undergraduate experience. I am incredibly passionate about my interests, but cannot imagine being interested in only one passion for an entire lifetime.

I love the Yankees, but do not hate the Red Sox. I love sports, but hate the accompanying anti-intellectual culture. I may read the newspaper starting from the back, but I always make my way to the front eventually. I am liberal on some issues and conservative on others, but reasonable about all of them. I will always be politically active, but will never be a political activist. I think everything through completely, but I am never through thinking about anything.

I can get along with almost anyone, but there are very few people without whom I could not get along. I am giving of my time, but not to the point of forgetting its value. I live for each moment, but not as much as I worry about the next. I consider ambition to be of the utmost importance, but realize that it is useless without the support of hard work. I am a very competitive person, but only when competing with myself. I have a million dreams, but I am more than just a dreamer. I am usually content, but never satisfied.

Yours sincerely,






选择法语授课专业申请者需要在国内接受至少500小时以上的法语培训, 选择英语授课专业申请者需要出具在有效期内的托福 (550以上)或者雅思(6.0以上)成绩。









3)获取offer (4月—5月)


























Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England. The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.

With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.

As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives.

My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter F.Drucker. I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?

With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies.

Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries. The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work in this company. In May, 2005, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned.

During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.







6、书本费和另外的学习开支:虽然因专业的不同会有所变化,不过大体的水准如下—— 文科学生一年约二百至三百五十美元;工科学员的达三百五十至五百美元;而医学专业学生则要超过五百美元。还有就是,还要认识到学术论文的打字费用,那也是一笔不小的开支。

7、杂费:包括电话费、文具、邮票、洗衣服、理发、文化娱乐活动、 偶而上馆子、添置衣服、招待朋友等各种各样可以预期或者没办法预期的费用。另外,很多大学的宿舍在放假期间里都要关闭,也不供应伙食,应在经济上预先作好安排。












Dear _,

Drama is a way of sharing my thoughts and desires, as well as expressing my inner self. It is the motivation that drives me through any challenge. I am a well organised, hard working, self motivated and keen person who loves to learn as an individual or as a team. I discovered drama in primary school, and developed my interest through secondary education where I promptly became involved in the ‘Drama after School Club’. Since then my love for the theatre has grown. My course is really enjoyable and rewarding, and I love learning more about theatre, therefore, I want to find a drama course which allows me to explore all the aspects of the theatre in the hope of gaining a better understanding of how the business of the industry works.

During secondary school I was involved in the school choir, later I volunteered to deliver the Christmas hampers, which were made to give to the elderly around the area. In year 11 I was chosen as part of the ACES programme, a project that runs parallel with the Mentoring Education Achievement that encourages young people to achieve high in their GCSEs. I am also a young leader at the local Brownies where I coordinate crafts, write the annual letters to the parents and lead other activities with the team. I’m always getting involved in productions outside of college. I was recently involved in a pantomime at the local church where I played a variety of major and minor roles. In the past I have experienced styles of dancing, performing to the young and the elderly. As a hobby I enjoy kayaking, it is a good way to relax and escape distraction. I took up playing the piano and love to learn new pieces of music. Additionally, I sketch and write poems which, I publish on the internet forum/blogs.

In college I aim for my work to reach a high standard and if I need to, I will improve work in my spare time to reach the grades that I am capable of achieving. In the course I have already studied practitioners from 20th century European and world wide drama which includes O’Neil, Mamet, Godber, Artaud, Cartwright and Irvine Welsh. I have also studied Stanislavski and his methods of naturalistic acting including emotional memory and in contrast to him, Brecht and his Epic Theatre. I have had experience at being a set designer, which included sketching possible set ideas and organising everyone to help with the creation of the set. As part of the acting unit, we had to research, write and adapt existing text to create our own monologue which we then performed for assessment. I have been studying various styles of scriptwriting, from this I will have attempted my own in the styles, later on in the unit I will be writing a ten minute long script which will be performed. At the moment I am devising a performance based around a political issue; this will later be toured at secondary schools. I have performed in many devised and improvisational performances, which have helped me to communicate between my fellow colleagues. I have found that I am more comfortable at spontaneous improvising. I have assisted a door supervisor’s course by role playing situations for them. This opportunity was extremely fun and enabled me to use my ability in a different surrounding. At the end of my first year at college I participated in the Derek Jacobi Festival, where I directed the play ‘Noises Off’ by Michael Frayne, where I and my cast were rewarded with best actor, best performance and the staff discretionary award. It was such an interesting and delightful experience to direct my fellow colleagues.

Overall I am a hard working person, who is keen to get on with work, and will try their best to succeed. Once I have completed this degree course I intend to go to drama school, to study a postgraduate course depending on my chosen discipline. Therefore to pursue my ambitions I believe studying your drama course will benefit me and I will be an asset to your institution.

Yours sincerely,



瑞士大学普遍对英语要求在雅思6或6.5分,部分可能会有小分要求,具体情况要看你申请的专业而定。瑞士是一个多语种的国家,这这里留学有机会学习第二门或第三门外语。瑞士的官方语言是法语,德语,意大利语和特托罗马语,在工商业及旅游业方面,英语是通用的语言。瑞士700万人口各种语言的使用人数大约占比为:75%的人讲德语,15%的人讲 法语,2%的人讲罗马语,25%的人讲英语。瑞士最主要的官方语言和教学语言是德语以及法语。


对外国留学生而言,最重要的德语考试自然是大学的入学语言考试,而瑞士留学语言考试会在开学前由目标大学或是弗里堡大学语言班或是大学预科班举办,一年会举行两次。除此以外,瑞士比较具有公信力的德语考试都是由歌德大学举办的,其中会有一般的德文语言能力考试,也会有职业导向德语考试的。与中国留学生相关的考试有 ZMP(中级德语考试)和ZOP(高级德语考试),因为目前越来越多瑞士学校在学生申请入学的时候就要求必须通过这个考试。

3. 法语水平考试



















Dear _,

When I was young, my friends always wanted to come round to my house after school because my mum would let us paint. We had a big easel, a large supply of powder paints, felt tip pens and pencil crayons. I was given the freedom to express myself through these means from a very young age and I still find art the best way to express myself now.

At A-level my photography developed to a high standard and I was offered a place to do fashion photography at the London College of the Arts. However I decided not to accept, as I did not wish to commit to photography alone. I decided to take a place at Doncaster College doing a performing arts national diploma. I was a committed and able student fully engaging with all aspects of the course and thoroughly enjoying it also. However as the course was so time consuming I had little time to continue painting and drawing and I missed it terribly.

In September 20xx just as I was about to start my second year one of my best friends committed suicide. I became depressed and felt unable to continue attending. Throughout the following year I used art as a way to express my emotions. It helped me come to terms with what had happened much more than anything else did. Although I had been offered a place to continue my Performing Arts National Diploma the following year I decided to apply for a foundation art and design course.

Doing an art foundation course has given me the freedom and facilities to begin pursuing what I really enjoy. As a student and an artist I become totally absorbed in the piece of work or project I am involved in. I am dedicated and enthusiastic about all of the arts, which I have explored and am eager to continue my studies and better myself not only as an artist but also as a person.

There have been many artists who have inspired me in my own creative path. These include Guy Bourdin, Tracey Emin, and Joesph Cornell, as well as many others. Viewing other artists work helps me to better understand Art itself, as well as helping me to discover which pathway would be best for me. I enjoy regularly attending exhibitions of my favourite artists and also of artists I have not previously known.

Installation art is something I would like to explore further as I progress. I love the idea of being given a space to make my own.

Seeing other friends go off to University in previous years has been strange but I am glad I have waited until this time to apply as I have gained maturity and take a more serious attitude towards my work. I am willing to put more time and effort in because of this.

After completing my degree I would like to pursue a career in art therapy. I feel art gave me a way to express what I was feeling when I could not truly understand it myself. It gave me a release and I would like to help other people to be able to use art in the same way.

Yours sincerely,































Dear _,

I find one of the most attractive parts of physics is how complex situations can be explained with simple theories. I enjoy the logical aspects of the subject and love the challenge of breaking a problem down to its basic components to arrive at an explanation. This can be seen in the analysis of circular motion where thinking of the problem simply, in terms of Newton’s laws, allows me to derive equations completely describing the motion.

My enthusiasm for science extends beyond the classroom. My particular interest is reading about new developments and I especially enjoy reading about particle physics in publications such as ‘New Scientist’ and through articles on the internet. I relish finding how our understanding of the smallest pieces of matter has lead to groundbreaking discoveries in the largest fields such as cosmology and how this may lead to a unified field theory. I am particularly following the developments at CERN in regards to this and am excited by the work at the LHC to find the Higgs Boson and confirm the standard model. I have read books by Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking and also find Richard Feynman’s lectures on physics an invaluable extension to my current studies. I have referred to them on various occasions, particularly when working on the kinetic theory of an ideal gas, extending the sophistication of my knowledge and understanding to a higher level. I am keen to continue this at university and beyond with my ambition for a career in research.

I am maintaining breadth as well as depth in my studies by taking four A2 subjects. My decision to take on a further AS in Further Maths this year as a self-taught subject was to ensure that I could extend my mathematical skill set enabling me to more fully study science subjects at A-level and beyond. I feel a sound mathematical background is vital in any scientific endeavour. I am competing in the Chemistry Olympiad this year and also taking the AEA in this subject and in physics. In preparing for these I know I have strengthened my understanding greatly and I have embraced the challenge that it brings. I have developed a presentation on protein synthesis which is now used at my college to teach AS Biology students.

Work experience at my local hospital’s audiology department demonstrated to me that physics is not just a theoretical subject but also has many practical applications as well. Seeing ‘physics in action’ shows me the real value of fundamental research for its myriad uses in the real world.

I contribute to the life of my college by helping out regularly at the school’s open evenings and other events as well as performing other duties as a prefect. I played rugby for the college for four years, in doing which I gained an understanding of the importance of team-work which I hope to apply to work later on in my education and life. Outside of college I have volunteered in my local Oxfam shop and I take pride in giving something back to the community. To relax outside of college work I enjoy playing the bass guitar, hill walking and the theatre.

I have every intention of carrying on my studies of science post university and I would love to continue on into research. I feel that my genuine passion for the subject combined with my focused attitude towards work and learning will allow me to pursue this path. I am excited by the challenge of work at a higher and deeper level and am confident I possess the requisite skills, motivation and knowledge to succeed.

Yours sincerely,




























Dear _,

“The Foolish Old Man Removing a Mountain” is an allegory known to virtually every Chinese. The story tells that in ancient times there was an old foolish man by the name of Yu Gong who was determined to remove the WangWu Mountain, a mountain that blocked him and his family from having access to the outside world, in an attempt to carve out a road leading to the outside world and hence create conditions for his posterity to achieve economic prosperity. The project was a Herculean task and, to make the matter worse, the old man was rather advanced in age. His neighbors all came to dissuade him from the endeavor. But the old man’s answer was that if he should die, his children and grandchildren could succeed him. The day would come when the mountain could be removed ultimately.

Inconceivable as they are, modern versions of this allegory occur in the frequently impoverished mountain areas in present-day China. The mountain folks resort to primitive manual labor (hence inevitably involving casualties) and simple tools and usually spend many years, even more than a decade, to open up routes inch by inch in order to have access to the market outside the deep mountains to sell their farm produce, so that their descendants will no longer be confined to the kind of isolated and economically unprivileged life that they are living. As a student with a Master’s degree in Road & Railway Engineering, I can never maintain a tranquil state of mind whenever I read of stories of this kind. I tell myself that I have the obligation and responsibility to help halt this dire reality. For this reason, I am determined to seek a Ph. D. program in Communication & Transportation at your esteemed university, a program that will enable me to reward my country with my knowledge of the advanced transportation engineering technology in the world. Of course, I am soberly aware that to be accepted into your highly-respected program I will inevitably be faced with fierce competitions. Nevertheless, my sound academic background, rich work experience and the ability to undertake independent academic research all testify to my qualifications as a worthy candidate for your program.

My choice for Industrial and Civil Airport Construction and Highway Airport Construction and Highway during my undergraduate program at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, _ University, seemed to have derived from my family tradition. My father has long been a construction engineer and my interest in civil engineering grew as I saw my father working on construction plans and drawings and picking up bits and pieces of civil engineering knowledge. My academic performance at _ University, which is a key university in the country, has been consistently characterized by top ranking, receiving Student of Excellence award for four consecutive years. My solid and comprehensive academic foundation and outstanding performance came to the attention of the renowned airport construction expert Prof. _X, under whose direction I undertook my graduation project Design of an Airport Runway. In this project, I completed the overall design of a civil airport together with the airport’s roadnet. The roadnet design fully met the relevant national standards and the overall airport layout was rationally designed, leading to unanimously positive evaluation by the reviewing panel.

My undergraduate program was immediately followed by a postgraduate program at _ University, into which I was enrolled in my capacity as the top performer in the entrance examination. On a fiercer lever of competition, I doubled my academic efforts and managed to be among the top five in my class, winning “Class-A” scholarships. My active involvement in research also bore fruits. I published several research papers, including _, in such central natural science journals as _ and _.

Entitled Study of the Low-Noise Mechanism of the Asphalt Pavement, my Master’s thesis focused on those issues: the mechanism of noise production of tyres, the parameters affecting the tyre’s noise, the noise-absorbing mechanism of asphalt pavement and the pavement configuration parameters affecting the low-noise asphalt pavement. The thesis offered in-depth analysis of the effective voidage of the asphalt pavement and the pavement thickness as major factors in reducing the noise production. The new subject as well as the unique perspectives of my thesis won positive comments from the reviewing panel who rated my work as “significant for the subsequent research on low-noise asphalt pavement”.

My distinguished academic performance and research potential led to my employment with _ Province Expressway Co., Ltd. which made me responsible for the construction and management of the _ Expressway, a key national project. As a major technical specialist, I was in overall charge of drafting relevant tender documents of pavement,participating in the construction of the roadbed, bridge, and pavement, organizing the spot check of the raw materials for the asphalt pavement, holding meeting to discuss technical details of the asphalt pavement, launching technical trainings and field inspections, implementing the Superpave projects. The accumulation of rich and comprehensive experience in construction and management, and the problem-solving skills, and the ability to work effectively and efficiently, both independently and in teams, are the three most important results I have achieved. Over the past four years, I have been given the “Model Employee” honor in my work performance evaluation.

An equally important component of my employment is my independent research work. Two more papers, Construction Craft and Quality Control of SMA and Application of Superpave in _ Kaiyang Expressway were published in _ (national core journal of highway transportation). Some experts believe my papers offer detailed elaboration on highway SMA and Superpave pavement, providing important reference for the construction of other expressway projects.

While feeling proud for engaging in national-level projects, I have also gained an insider’s knowledge of China’s underdeveloped conditions of civil engineering in road and highway construction. The areas of study that I will focus in my proposed Ph.D. program are closely connected with those conditions—the methods of designing asphalt mixture, predictive evaluation of asphalt pavement performance, quality control of asphalt pavement construction, and the regeneration technology of old asphalt pavement. I expect that through your program I will be extensively exposed to the latest theoretical and technical developments in the world academia and take up fruitful research. If your highly selective program accepts applicants with sound academic performance, rich work experience and promising research potential, I can assert, without any shame of arrogance, that I am exactly the candidate you are looking for.

Yours sincerely,












































Dear _,

A degree in marketing is something which interests me; it's exciting and stimulating and will provide me with the key requirements to begin a successful career in the field. The marketing profession requires individuals with good interpersonal skills, who are dedicated, quick thinking, robust, diplomatic, articulate and have a competitive flare, all of which are skills and attributes that I recognise in myself

Marketing appeals to me because it is arguably the most invigorating and vital department of any business with a responsibility to initiate new challenges and opportunities

My experience in the workplace and in non academic activities has helped me develop a strong interest in working in the corporate world

In _ I was the youngest successful applicant to become a member of the Youth Council for the Millennium Dome. For two summers I did work experience at my local MP's Westminster office. My main duty was researching specific topics and producing reports on my findings, my work was used in parliamentary reports on issues such as teenage pregnancy and drug abuse in foreign countries. My first job was as a waitress at a local restaurant and I am currently working for Sainsbury's. In the past year one of my extra curricular commitments has been volunteer work as a classroom assistant at a local primary school. This year I have also been given the position of form prefect, which means I provide additional support to a form group and to members of staff

Through these experiences I have been able to discover, develop and demonstrate skills which are central to succeeding in marketing, including both oral and written communication, creativity, working to deadlines, perseverance, dedication and adaptability. I have also learnt the importance of a good client-employee relationship and how personal integrity is a fundamental requirement for any successful business or organisation

Sports has always been a keen interest of mine, it has given me an understanding how a team of people can work effectively together towards a common goal. For the last two years my house elected me the Head of my House netball team. This experience has helped me again develop skills including organisation and leadership. It has also given me the opportunity to motivate others to succeed. In school I am a trained peer listener, which means I am trained to listen to younger students problems and encourage them to think through a solution for themselves. I have spent my Sixth Form years at a boarding school which has taught me how a group of people must live and function closely together with respect, maturity and co-operation

At my previous school I covered the portfolio work for an intermediate level GNVQ in leisure and tourism and a foundation level GNVQ in health and social care. Currently I am an enthusiastic member of the Debating Society and Reading Group at school

Next summer I am going to continue to develop my knowledge and experience of the commercial workplace through an internship at a public affairs firm. This will undoubtedly give me a better grounding in the marketing and PR world, and enable me to progress to university with first-hand knowledge and experience which will be invaluable for a degree in Marketing.

Yours sincerely,


























