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Dear _,

I have always been interested in Forensic Science & Biological Science and learning how different techniques and methods are used for solving crimes. In particular how the principles of bioinformatics are used in detection and identification of microbes; how it is used in Forensic Science for detecting biocrime attacks and how to identify and examine skeletal remains of victims after long period of time. I have found learning about Genetic fingerprinting and how it is used for identifying a suspect and solving paternity cases particularly relevant because it is applicable to real situations. I am studying a BTEC National Diploma in Forensic Science. I have a naturally inquisitive mind and like to acquire new knowledge, especially in Forensic Entomology, Forensic Toxicology and Criminal Law. I also enjoy the laboratory work which consists of using laboratory techniques such as fractional distillation, gas, liquid and thin-layer chromatography. From the practical part of the course I have gained many analytical and problem solving skills and my great interest is analysing qualitative and quantitative data. During my course I have advanced on some very broad set of skills, including numeracy, teamwork, time management, making oral presentations, planning and organising my work. In my personal opinion teamwork underpins laboratory work.

I gained work experience in August 20xx. I went for a holiday to Sri Lanka and I did volunteering work at the Coconut Research Institute. This is a huge scientific research institute where they experiment with the growth and cultivation of coconut palms. This provided me with the opportunity to observe and work shadow. Visiting the Institute was very informative as it gave me an insight in to how scientists work in a scientific laboratory. This made it possible for me to use some advanced laboratory equipments.

I had a part time job at the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. I have gained experience in assisting a Marine Biologist to test and clean the waters of the aquarium tanks. One of my duties was to look after children between 1-5 years old in the children's play area. This experience allowed me to develop my communication and observational skills which are very vital for the role as a Forensic Scientist. I will be needed to give evidence in court individually as well as working in a team.

My main interest is reading factual books. I particularly enjoyed: Microbial Forensics by Roger G. Breeze, Forensic and Criminal Psychology by Dennis Howitt and Fundamentals of Forensic Science by Academic Press. From reading books such as Microbial Forensics I have understood and learned valuable information on how Forensic Science is used for solving bioterrorism and biocrime attacks. I also read science magazines and journals like the Biological Science Review magazine and New Scientist Magazine.

I undertook extra curriculum activity which enabled me to achieve an award for the best effort in fundraising with an organisation called Hart in Birmingham. I helped them raise money for the Tsunami victims in Sri Lanka. I'm also helping the Marine Conservation Society by adopting a green turtle. Previously in my school I achieved a first aid certificate from the Red Cross in Birmingham along with a certificate from Dr. Patricia Houlston for getting involved in a lecture about experiencing the inner city life of a GP in Birmingham. This lecture was very useful because I learnt how professionals work and communicate in a clinical working environment. I was also involved in a role - play by pretending to be GP and communicating with a patient and doing this enhanced my communication skills. I'm a forward thinking and determined person. I plan to obtain high level degree in order to continue to an MSc degree.

Yours sincerely,









































Dear _,

Although I pursued an academic rather than creative path in school, I have always been fascinated by the patterns that occur in art, architecture and the natural world, and drawing and painting have heightened my appreciation of them. Creating art, whether it is realistic or abstract, has helped me to see the world more clearly.

In October 20_ I began studying Classics and Modern Languages at Oxford University, but I had to leave in my first term as the problems my dyspraxia caused me were more severe than anticipated and I struggled to cope with day-to-day living and developed mental health problems. Studying this course would give me an opportunity to get back into Higher Education and to learn more about something which has always interested me.

Although I have no formal qualifications in art, I have kept up my passion for it outside the curriculum. My favourite material to work with is charcoal, as I find it helps me to portray texture better than any other material, although I also enjoy working with paints, pencil, collage and I have recently begun to develop an interest in tapestry and relish the opportunity to explore new media which this course would offer me. I have recently been doing a life-drawing project on wood, which stems from my interest in the forms and textures in nature. I have also been inspired by the art I have seen as part of my study of other subjects. On a school trip to Spain, I visited various museums and was particularly moved by Picasso's Guernica at the Reina Sofia Museum and I was fascinated by Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Earthly delights which I saw at the Prado. At the Prado, I was also privileged to see some of the works of El Greco, which I found deeply moving. As a practising Christian, the art of the spiritual matters particularly to me, and I want to learn more about both Christian art and the iconography and architecture of other major world religions. Another thing which left a deep impression upon me when I visited Spain was the Moorish architecture I saw in Toledo. I am also interested in the psychology behind art and how people are empowered by artistic self-expression. For this reason, I am a supporter of the work of The Autism Acceptance Project, an organisation which showcases the artwork of autistic adults.

In my spare time, I have undertaken a variety of voluntary work. I helped with my school's Youth SVP scheme, which organised clubs to help local primary school with reading. I also was a Youth Leader at Edmund Rice Camp, a week-long summer play scheme for children aged between seven and eleven. This year, I have worked at The Croft Nursery School in Newcastle-under-Lyme with children aged three to four. I have enjoyed this immensely and feel it has improved my ability to collaborate with others. Alongside this, my love of the countryside has led me to complete the Duke of Edinburgh's award (bronze) and have participated in Student Cross, a 125-mile hike from Oxford to Walsingham.

Learning about other cultures, both those of the past and of the present, is also a hobby of mine. For this reason I have always been engrossed by the study of languages and I am currently learning ancient Greek. I also enjoy reading a variety of literature and creative writing (both fiction and non-fiction) and have had several current events articles published online. My curiosity about language, literature and culture sets my enthusiasm for art in a broader context and is a source of inspiration.

Yours sincerely,




















由美国教育考试服务中心主办,专门用来测试非英语国家学生的英语水平和掌握英语的熟练程度一种考试。目前美国、加拿 大、英国、法国、德国、爱尔兰、新西兰、比利时、荷兰、丹麦、芬兰、挪威、奥地利、新加坡、日本、南非、香港等国家和地区的学校都承认托福成绩。

托福是由美国教育测验服务社(ETS)举办的英语能力考试,全名为“检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试”,中文音译为“托福”。TOEFL有三种,分别是: pbt—paper based test 纸考 677, cbt—computer basedtest 机考 300, ibt—internet basedtest 网考 120, 新托福满分是120分。




雅思是前往英联邦国家留学或移民参加的一种英语水平考试。 考试内容分移民类(G类)和学术类(A类),包括听、说、读、写四部分。G类与A类只在阅读和写作两个单项上有区别,考试形式为笔试,满分为9分,考试时间: 165分钟,考试的有效期为两年。在20xx年,雅思已得到8,000多个机构的认可,涵盖全球170个国家的教育机构、雇主单位、专业协会和政府部门。20xx年,在美国,共有超过3,000所院校认可雅思成绩,[3] 包括所有的常青藤盟校(哈佛、普林斯顿、耶鲁、宾夕法尼亚、布朗、哥伦比亚、康奈尔、达特茅斯)和大多数美国大学排名前100的院校。截至20xx年,中国大陆已有10万学生用雅思成绩申请美国院校。



全称“Scholastic Assessment Test”,中文名称为“学术能力评估测试”,俗称“美国高考”。由美国大学委员会(College Board)主办,SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。SAT考试总时长3小时45分钟。在SAT中,总分介于600到2400分之间,由批判性阅读(Critical Reading)、数学(Mathematics)和写作(Writing)三部分各800分加和而得。

现阶段进行的SAT考试的形式是从2005年3月开始的。SAT考试在每年三月、五月、六月、十月、十一月和十二月的第一个星期六以及一月的最后一个周六举行。其中,每年三月的考试仅在美国举行。中国大陆没有考点。一般来说,亚洲的香港、新加坡、澳门、台湾、日本、韩国等地都设有考场(除每年3月),大陆考生可以选择在这些地方进行考试。费用:SAT1(即推理测验)52.5美元,国际考生94.5美元。SAT2(即科目测验,Subject Test)基本费用54美元,每科加13美元,带听力的语言科目每科加24美元,所以不考听力,两科80美元,三科93美元。


全称“American College Testing”,中文名称为“美国大学入学考试”,也可以称为“美国高考”,是美国大学本科的入学条件之一,也是奖学金发放的重要依据之一。由ACT公司主办。ACT考试分为四个部分:文章改错(English),数学(Math),阅读(Reading),和科学推理(Science Reasoning)。


全称“Graduate Record Examination”,中文名称为“美国研究生入学考试”,它适用于除了法律(需LSAT成绩)与商业(需GMAT成绩)以外的其他各种学科与专业的研究生考试。它是美国研究生院选拔培养高级研究人才的重要依据,也是各大学研究生院决定是否向申请人提供奖学金资助的重要参考条件之一。


全称“Graduate Management Admission Test”,中文名称为“经企管理研究生入学考试”。由美国商学院研究所入学考试委员会委托美国教育考试服务中心举办的一门测试。美国、英国、澳大利亚等国家的高校都采用GMAT考试的成绩来评估申请入学者是否适合于在商业、经济和



全称“Law School Admission Test”,中文名称为“法学院入学考试”,是美国法学院入学委员会法学院设置的入学资格考试,这些法学院多数分布在美国各州,少量在加拿大。几乎所有的法学院都要求申请人提交LSAT成绩,其成绩作为法学院评估申请者的主要条件之一,是一项非常重要的衡量标准。
















Dear _,

Ever since childhood I have enjoyed working with my hands. Whether as an eight year- old gluing together a model car or an adolescent assembling a bookshelf in woodworking class, I thrived on the challenges of precise and meticulous tasks. Throughout high school I have been intrigued by the sciences, but it was not until I read about late-breaking discoveries and research in the field of genetics that my interests in science intensified. When I entered the University of British Columbia (UBC), I naturally chose to specialize in Cell Biology and Genetics.

In my sophomore year at UBC, I first began to seriously consider dentistry as a career. At that time, I began to appreciate the important role that dentistry played in my life. Four years earlier, I began an orthodontic treatment program with Dr. Junni Wang to correct a severe crowding problem with my teeth. Both before and during the treatment, I was a most reluctant participant; not many teenagers look forward to braces filling their mouth during their last two years of high school, and I was no different.

However, at every monthly check-up for three-and-a-half years the office staff had nothing but kind words of encouragement and optimism. Now after the completion of the treatment I had reason to smile. Dr. Wang helped turn me from a shy adolescent who feared smiling into a confident, outgoing young man. His skills not only brought back my smile, but also my sense of confidence in all aspects of my life. Whereas once I feared drawing attention to myself and thus shied away from leadership posts and debates, now I am a completely different person. Hoping to feel as satisfied and gratified as Dr. Wang must have felt in improving not only my smile but my entire way of life, I look forward to improving the oral health of patients on a daily basis and participating in dentistry’ s friendly, team-oriented work environment.

After this preliminary ‘ patient-doctor’ exposure to dentistry, I substantially increased my involvement in the field to determine if dentistry really was for me. My participation with the UBC Pre-Dental Society allowed me to communicate with various professionals in the field. I also investigated opportunities to volunteer in the University Dental Clinic or participate in research work. After speaking to a couple of professors in the UBC Faculty of Dentistry asking them about research opportunities, I found a topic that interested me. Dr. Putnins, of the Division of Periodontics, offered me a position in his lab to conduct a semi-quantitative analysis to determine the levels of endotoxin in dental unit water lines.

After taking many water samples from the University Dental Clinic and quantifying the amounts of endotoxin (lipopolysaccahride) in those samples with an Limulus Abeocyte Lysate test, I prepared to publish dentistry’ s first account of this type of experiment. I conducted the study over a 16-week span (Jan.-Apr.‘ 98), and the research work counted as 3.0 credits towards my undergraduate degree. Because the vast majority of my work was self-directed, I submitted my findings for evaluation by the faculty in a 32-page report with 46 references, and I also defended my methods before a panel of professors. Impressed by the findings and results, Dr. Putnins will use my study as a key component of a journal article he is currently preparing for the Journal of Dental Research (JDR). The school also submitted an abstract of my findings for presentation at the upcoming 77th General Session of the International Association of Dental Research (IDAR) to be held at Vancouver, Canada. I am keenly looking forward to this unique opportunity to have my work appear before distinguished members of the dental research community. My positive research experience definitely helped reinforce my goal of becoming a dentist.

In addition, my employment as a Canada Customs Inspector has helped me improve my level of social awareness and helped me develop qualities I can usefully apply to dentistry. As a Customs Inspector, I had the opportunity to communicate effectively with many different types of people in various situations. I have also developed the ability to resolve conflicts, defuse difficult situations, and show empathy even during cases of enforcement. In addition, my experience with team sports has provided me with leadership skills that can not be taught in any textbook. As the captain of my hockey team and the coach of a children’ s team, I have developed excellent communication skills and the ability to identify and work effectively with kids. All of these qualities will prove very important to my future career in dentistry.

Attracted by the dental profession’ s ability to positively impact people’ s lives, just like my orthodontist, and by the profession’ s financially rewarding and stable lifestyle, I look forward to one day opening my own practice and becoming a well-respected member of both the community of dentists and the community of patients. While my GPA may not be as high as some applicants’ , my academic record shows a consistent positive. I know I have the intelligence, ability, and determination to achieve success in dentistry; I only need the opportunity. My dental research experience combined with my academic background, personal qualities, and leadership abilities makes me well suited to accept the challenges in the field of dentistry. I look forward to an interview and the chance to discuss my qualifications in person.

Yours sincerely,


























