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大学生作文分享 论实践 On Practice


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As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect.” It applies to everything we do in life. Take for example the learning of a language. With practice, we can read, write, listen and speak English.


It is no easy thing to learn a Ianguage. First. I have to overcome the difficulties in pronunciation. I try hard to get every sound right, keep on doing the drills and memorize the new words. Then there are those grammar rules to remember and put to use. Also, to write I have to lead extensively and practise writing by keeping a diary or something.


Those who praetise most learn fast. In my class, some of the American students seize time in practising the little Chinese they have learned. For example, when the class is noisy someone will shout, “安静(Be quiet)!” When the lecture is too long, someone will say, “够了(enough)” or asks the teacher in phony concern, “你不累吗? (Aren’t you tired?)” It is funny and they make surprisingly good progress in speaking Chinese.


Practice makes perfect. There is no truer word than that. When there is anything you cannot do, do net he afraid. Just try, try and try again, for practice makes perfect, but remember that we should practise what we preach.



大学生作文分享 论在家养宠物On Raising Pets at Home(必备)

It is a common phenomenon that a greatnumber of people are tending to keep pets at home. People worry whether keepingpets at home are good for people. Some people say that pets can bring ushappiness and help us in some special cases. However, some people believe thatkeeping pet is a waste of time and money. As for me, I think pets bring ushappiness. Reasons are listed below.


First of all, we won’t feel so lonely if wekeep pets. For most people, they are working outside while they don’t have anycompanions by their side. Hence, if they raise pets, then they can play withpets rather than stay alone. Besides, most people deem pets as their best friends.When people feel depressed, then they can talk to their pets to relievethemselves.


Secondly, pets can help us in some specialcases. You can ask your pets to do certain things for you to some extent. Forexample, we have many trained dogs that can guide the blind people to anywherethey want as if those dogs are their eyes.


All in all, keeping pets at home benefitsus a lot. When we are depressed, pets can make us happy. What’s more, pets canhelp us in certain situations.


英语范文:大学生社会实践 Social Practice of College Students(收藏)

Nowadays,social practice has been brought to great concern among colleges anduniversities increasingly. During summer or winter holiday, college studentsare encouraged and organized to participate in all kinds of social practiceactivities, such as part-time jobs, volunteering teaching and fieldwork.


Thereis no doubt that students can benefit a lot from social practice activities.First, they are provided with more chances and opportunities to contact withour real society and broaden their horizon. Second, it is a good chance forthem to apply their theory knowledge to practice and improve their ability. Third,students can enjoy the happiness of work and realize their value.


However,there are also some things needed to be noticed in the process of taking partin social practice activities. For example, students should take care ofthemselves well and interchange labor and repose during the work. In addition,they should not ignore their studies when they are working.


作文推荐 论金钱On Money

Different people have different attitudes towards money.For example, some of the rich are very mean with their money, whilesome of them are quite generous. Some people lack of money but they are not absorbed in pursuit ofwealth while some people regard money as everything. As faras I am concerned, money is necessary for all of us, but it is not all for us.


For one thing, money isnecessary for all of us. In modern society, money is one of tools for measure thevalue and can be used to exchange materials. All materials we need for ourbasic existence is all about money. Without money, our existence will bethreatened and we can not find our way to live. Therefore, all of us need toearn money to afford us and our family basic needs, such as food, clothes andhouse.


For another, money is not allfor us. Though money can be used to exchange our basic needs, it is notalmighty. For example, we cannot use money to buy a real love or ability withmoney. Hence, just as the saying goes, “money is good servant but a bad master”.We cannot be controlled by money so that we will not be a pathetic slave ofmoney.


In short, we need money butwe should not regard money as our only purpose. Only hold this attitude can weuse our money properly.


Different people have different attitudes towards money.For example, some of the rich are very mean with their money, whilesome of them are quite generous. Some people lack of money but they are not absorbed in pursuit ofwealth while some people regard money as everything. As faras I am concerned, money is necessary for all of us, but it is not all for us.


For one thing, money isnecessary for all of us. In modern society, money is one of tools for measure thevalue and can be used to exchange materials. All materials we need for ourbasic existence is all about money. Without money, our existence will bethreatened and we can not find our way to live. Therefore, all of us need toearn money to afford us and our family basic needs, such as food, clothes andhouse.


For another, money is not allfor us. Though money can be used to exchange our basic needs, it is notalmighty. For example, we cannot use money to buy a real love or ability withmoney. Hence, just as the saying goes, “money is good servant but a bad master”.We cannot be controlled by money so that we will not be a pathetic slave ofmoney.


In short, we need money butwe should not regard money as our only purpose. Only hold this attitude can weuse our money properly.


大学生英语作文:My View on Private Car 论私家车(必备)

With the development of society, people’s living standard has got great improvement. There are more and more people having private cars. Almost every family has one car. But every coin has two sides. Private car bring many advantages to our human beings, but it also brings many disadvantages to us. There are several reasons counting for my view.


On the one hand, private car bring great convenience to us. We can go everywhere we want with a private car. We don’t need to queue for a bus and squeeze in the bus. We also don’t need to worry about the distance of our destination. We can make it without striking a blowing with a private car. Besides, staying in the private car is very comfortable. We won’t face the sunshine and rain directly and we can have air-conditioning in the car. Owing a private car has so many benefits.


On the other hand, private cars also left many problems to us. The most obvious is that it joins hands in the traffic jam. As there are many private cars on the road, in the street, but the road is too small to hold them, so traffic jam comes out. Traffic jam affects everyone out. We all know that the off-gas from private car is harmful to the air that we breathe. Because of it, many people get ill.


In a word, though private car brings pros to us, it also brings cons to us. For the sake of our human beings’ long term development, we need to use cars properly, take the bus to work more.


优秀英语作文 On Stress 论压力【精】

In modern society, most people are under the higherpressure than ever before and some people cannot handle the stress well andchoose some extreme ways to avoid or settle their stress.However, is stress a bad thing? As far as I am concerned, everythinghas two coins, and we also need to realize it from two aspects.


For one thing, stress is a kind of mentalburden caused by nervousness or anxiety. In modern society, stress is mostlycaused by the high requirements or heavy burden from surroundings or us, suchas stress from peers or stress in economy. If we cannot handle the stress well,we would be easy to be in a negative mood and lost our motivation and courage tokeep going or struggle with difficulties. In this aspect, stress is a threatfor our body and mental.


However, for another, stress can also bechanged into a kind of motivation if we handle it well. For example, when youfind that you are surpassed by your classmates in an examination, you feelstressful but at the same time, you also tell yourself that you need to workharder to surpass him next time. Under this stress, you will find yourself havemore motivation and energy to study. In this point, stress is a propeller forus to get more improvements.


Thus, we need to use a dialectical methodto treat stress and handle it properly。


大学生英语作文:Hire Foreign Teachers in College 论在大学里聘请外籍教师

According to a recent research, most Chinese college students can not speak exact English pronunciation. Nearly every Chinese student learns English in universities. Chinese teachers teach language is easy to be accepted and followed, but that’s not native pronunciation and tone. We students can’t feel the all-English learning environment. As far as I am concerned, it’s necessary to hire foreign teachers to instruct students.


To start with, foreign teachers, being a foreigner, they can teach us what Chinese teacher can’t do. Through communicating with them, we will learn exact English pronunciation and tone. What’s more, that will improve our listening and speaking. Choose this way to instruct is good for us to learn a language better. I don’t know how to pronounce “thank” until I came to international college. My pronunciation was wrong before I touch the foreign teacher. His native tone gives me a lot help.


Secondly, foreign teachers’ instruction can practice students’ communicative speed. For example, when two Chinese people chat in English, the atmosphere is different with a Chinese talk with a foreigner. Two Chinese, especially students, can’t cooperate well. Their discussion is not smooth at all. When you face a foreign teacher, he will guide you to think, correct and speak out.

其次,外国教师的指导可以锻炼学生的交际。例如,当两个中国人用英语聊天, 与中国与外国人交流的气氛是不同的。两个中国人,尤其是学生,不能很好地合作。他们的讨论是不完整的。当你面对一个外国老师,他将引导你思考,并正确地说出来。

Last but not least, foreign teacher has much difference with Chinese in teaching way.The former likes to guide students to raise creative questions and solve it together. Teachers give students more time to show themselves; more chance to improve their ability. They ask students to learn language in a new and effective way. The most important thing is environment when it comes to learning language. Students will be more confident with the help of foreign teachers’ instruction.


In conclusion, hire foreigners has so many advantages. It is indispensable to hire foreign teachers to instruct in Chinese universities. That will be a better way for students to learn English language. That also will improve Chinese teaching and learning efficiency.
