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Dear _,

I have always been interested in businesses and how they operate, as well as being fascinated by other languages and cultural differences

My passion for the subject increased when I chose business studies as part of my main education at school. In addition to the general subjects such as mathematics, literature, history it also included marketing, accounting and economics. Although these subjects are somewhat demanding, I find them extremely interesting. After secondary school I decided to continue my education at Kazakh National University founded by Al Farabi, it is one of the best and oldest universities in Central Asia, in the faculty of the International Economic Relations. I believe that the degree I have obtained, is the best choice for me. I will be looking forward to learning about the international business world and I am relishing the thought of learning to integrate with people from different countries and cultures. The idea of learning to communicate with other people across the world is something that has always appealed greatly to me

My speciality that I have got after graduating from the Kazakh National State University is in the International Economic Relations

I have studied financial management, macro- micro- economics, accounting, international currency-credit relations and other subjects. More profoundly I have studied international economic relations, international organisations, their function around the world and my diploma work The analysis of economic aspects of Kazakhstan oil transportation abroad was written on the basis of the research of the economics relations between Caspian countries: Russia, Azerbaizhan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

Not all my work experience has been as a paid employee. Furthermore I began to take part time jobs when I was at the University; I worked for different financial institutions one of them was National Bank of Kazakhstan in the Credit Department as an Assistant of the Head Manager and in the Currency Department. My work in this Bank taught me to be self-organised, how to make analyses of credit rating and commentaries, function of the currency policy, which is one of the essential part of any bank's activities, and how to work out complex approaches in settlement of different issues and tasks. After this time I have changed my field of work and continued it in the Close Stock Company KazTransOil as an Accountant, which is analysing and developing the plan of transportation oil into different countries

Having important previous experience I have applied my knowledge and skills at the position of an Assistant of Head Accountant in the Financial Department. The main goals of the Department - to provide necessary structure of transportation for joining the main oil field with the processing factories and export it abroad. My responsibility included calculating the budget of the Company, making up balance sheet, and analysing a project plan. However I realised that to work as a professional specialist in a business area for the broader and deeper understanding finance, accounting and international environment are needed

For me as a young specialist it is very important to try an opportunity to continue my education in the University that has proved itself as one of the best among the other recognised universities focusing on business studies, promoting and facilitating research in such significant period when integration is outgrowing to globalisation and countries becoming more dependent on each other. I think that my interest in accounting and finance, educational background and professional experience will open new perspectives for me if I will study at this University. Now I feel that I have potential for realisation myself in the area of finance and my constant interest to this science, to study more deeply this subject, ability to distinguish main economic trends will assist me to transmit my knowledge to other specialists.

Yours sincerely,




























































大家在开始面试之前, 一定要想调试好设备,保证自己能够正常并且熟练的使用,而且要将环境选好,尽量在比较安静舒适,背景也比较干净的房间内,自己的仪容也要准备好。











Dear _,

Success in my school studies and outside interests has given me a secure foundation to embark on a degree course in sport with confidence and excitement

I have thoroughly enjoyed studying physical education at G.C.S.E and A level. The physiological side has been an enjoyable and interesting part of the course. It has enabled me to have a fuller understanding of how the body works especially in relation to practical sport. As well as the academic content of the course I have also enjoyed the practical aspects. At my first secondary school I was a member of the school hockey and netball teams. In my position as captain of the school netball team for four years, I have gained the opportunity and skill to motivate others to succeed. My enthusiasm for netball first came when I was chosen from trials to play for Aylesbury town. I was delighted at the end of that season when I was presented with runner up Player of the Year. I then pursued my netball career by joining the under 16's South Buckinghamshire County netball team. This gave me the opportunity to gain more skills and experience in netball by playing alongside people of a very high standard. As a regular member of the senior school netball team and Aylesbury women's league I am very keen to pursue this interest at university. I also attended a level 1 assistant coach course for netball in June 2002. For the next fourteen weeks I will be working with Active Sports Bucks development programme for netball, coaching one of the satellite academies. This is an exciting opportunity as I will be learning about Sport England's development programme and also be part of it. Working with young children who have an inspiration to play netball will be very beneficial to me. Not only will they be learning something from me but I will be learning from them too. Being a qualified coach and a regular netball player I have developed a number of abilities: being part of a team, listening and learning from others and helping others in a positive and motivating way. These have all helped me to develop transferable skills which can be applied to many situations in every day life. I also enjoy athletics which I participated regularly at the girl's athletics league right up to the end of year eleven. Unable to participate in sixth form I assisted in the girls athletic events when it was held at Aylesbury high school

Studying Communications and Classical Civilisation at A level has helped me to gain a number of skills. Communications has taught me different types of leadership skills which will be very useful to me when coaching, also the importance of non-verbal communication which has helped me to understand and analyse people. But most of all the ability to communicate the most effective way in different situations

By studying Classical Civilisation I have improved my essay writing and the ability to analyse literature. I believe all these skills will help me considerably in my chosen degree course

Working part time as a receptionist in a busy and successful leisure centre has giving me hands on experience in the leisure industry. As a receptionist we held many responsibilities to ensure the smooth running of the centre. From this employment I have gained the experience of excellent customer service skills and a valuable insight in the leisure business. I also enjoy going to the gym and fitness classes. I find that being physically fit helps to improve my mental concentration

Studying a sport related degree will enable me to develop the theory side in more detail to hopefully give me a deeper understanding of the psychological and physiological aspects of sport.

Yours sincerely,


























曼海姆大学(德语:Universit?t Mannheim)是位于德国巴登符腾堡州曼海姆市的一所较年轻的大学。学校坐落于曼海姆宫。曼海姆大学共有五个学院,分别是国际经济学及法学院,企业经济学学院,社会科学学院,人文科学学院,经济信息学及经济数学学院。曼海姆大学的经济学极富盛名。


慕尼黑大学(德语:Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München)公元1472年,由巴伐利亚-兰茨胡特公国的路德维希公爵所创建,为欧洲历史最为悠久的大学之一。20xx年10月,慕尼黑大学成为德国为提升大学研究质量的“德国大学卓越计划”中的“精英大学”之一,并且为首轮第一批入选的三所学校之一。慕尼黑大学在各类世界大学排行中均居50之列。


哥廷根大学(德语:Georg-August-Universit?t G?ttingen),哥廷根大学属于传统的大学城,是“没有校门和围墙的大学”。哥廷根拥有十分辉煌的历史,名人辈出,蜚声世界,高斯、普朗克、俾斯麦、韦伯、叔本华、海涅、洪堡(洪堡大学创始人)、季羡林等等为其校友。20xx年10月至20xx年5月期间为德国第二轮“精英大学”所评选的德国九所精英大学之一。


柏林洪堡大学(德语:Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin,HU Berlin),是德国首都柏林最古老的大学,于1809年由普鲁士教育改革者及语言学家威廉·冯·洪堡及弟弟亚历山大 · 冯 · 洪堡所创立,是第一所新制的大学,对于欧洲乃至于全世界的影响都相当深远。柏林洪堡大学20xx年6月入选为11所德国“精英大学”之一。


海德堡大学(德语:Ruprecht-Karls-Universit?t Heidelberg),海德堡大学为欧洲研究型大学联盟及科英布拉集团、欧洲大学协会之创始会员,20xx年10月19日,德国“精英大学”评选,海德堡大学名列德国九所精英大学之一。至20xx年为止,累计有33位诺贝尔奖得主及至少18位莱布尼兹奖得主曾于此求学、任教或研究,为德国乃至于欧洲研究型大学。国际排名常年稳定在全球50。


马尔堡大学,(德语:Philipps-Universit?t Marburg),是一所位于德国黑森州马尔堡的大学,1527年由黑森-卡塞尔伯爵菲利普一世创办,是世界上第二所新教大学。马尔堡大学毕业生中诞出多名诺贝尔化学奖获得者。人文学科方面以神学和哲学著称。


弗莱堡大学(Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?t Freiburg),该校建校于1457年,是德国最为古老的大学之一。学校由11个院系组成,有着教授人文、社会科学和自然科学的传统。20xx年10月至20xx年5月为德国“精英大学”第二轮评选的德国九所精英大学之一。迄今学校共产生过13位莱布尼茨奖(德国科研荣誉)获得者以及19位诺贝尔奖得主。


图宾根大学(Eberhard Karls Universit?t in Tübingen),是德国最古老的大学之一,在自然科学和人文科学领域都享有盛名。黑格尔、开普勒、基辛格、乔冠华等为其校友。20xx年入选成功第二阶段德国精英计划,成为德国11所“精英大学”之一。


波恩大学(德语:Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit?t Bonn),波恩大学的前身是1777年创建的科隆公国学院,当时有神学、法学、医学和哲学四个系。波恩大学校友有杜登(杜登词典)、阿登纳、哈贝马斯、舒曼、威廉二世(德国皇帝)等。


莱比锡大学(德语:Universit?t Leipzig)位于德国萨克森州的莱比锡,创立于1409年,是欧洲最古老的大学之一,也是现今德国管辖地区内历史第二悠久的大学,仅次于海德堡大学(1386年)。校友有德国总理默克尔、莱布尼兹、歌德、尼采、历史学家兰克、让·保罗、蔡元培、辜鸿铭、林语堂等等。医学专业是莱比锡大学最知名的专业。



Dear _,

I am planning to pursue graduate studies towards a Ph.D. degree at your school of engineering starting from the fall of 1999.

My interest in the building structure can be traced back to my success in high school years, when I excelled my fellow classmates in physics and geometry. This not only fired off my interest in structural design but also helped to lay solid groundwork for my undergraduate studies in civil engineering, which heavily involved mechanics in physics and solid geometry.

With excellent scores in the compulsory national university entrance examination, I won acceptance in 1991 into the Beijing Polytech University, one of China’s top 10 engineering schools, particularly well-known for its structural engineering. For five years at this university, I received strict and thorough training in areas such as building structures, building materials. Soil mechanics and foundation, concrete and masonry structures, construction, steel structure and earthquake resistant structure. I also took every opportunity to participate in co-po work and projects commissioned by construction and design companies.

Opportunities abound for civil engineers and civil engineering students in China, which now houses the world’s fastest growing major economy. At every year’s job fair held on the campus of the Polytech University, more than 200 positions compete for 60-odd graduating students. Under such circumstances, undergraduate students in their fifth year are also in high demand for internship at various construction companies and design institutes. Virtually every student gets a full workload immediately upon starting the internship and assumes considerable responsibilities soon afterwards.

I became the luckiest among the lucky by winning a rare opportunity for any civil engineer: to participate in the design of the Beijing Western Railway Station, the largest urban structure in China up to date. This happened while I interned, along with five other schoolmates, at the Beijing Architectural Institute. This institute has designed virtually all the modern landmark buildings in China, including the famous Great Hall of the People and the Museum of Revolutionary History on the Tiananmen Square, the Beijing Railway Station and the Asian Games Village. It was on the strength of my academic merits that I got to enjoy these opportunities.

The Western station project in Beijing consisted of the mail hall (70,000 square meters), south wing building group (40,000 square meters) and north wing building group (35,000 square meters). My task was to assist in the design of a shopping centre in the south wing which had 16,000 square meters. I independently accomplished a quarter of the design for the whole building, mainly responsible for the foundation design, calculation and drawing of steel distribution of beam, floor, columns and concrete piles. I cherished this opportunity to apply the knowledge I had learned in the classroom to the real world problems and I worked with my utmost dedication.

I, however, soon found out that, even in this monumental project, design techniques applied in many cases left much to be desired. When treating the wind load, the earthquake force and the effect of frozen soil, historical data and intelligent estimates were used in place of accurate measuring. This phenomenon made me determined to improve my knowledge and skills in a graduate program that can teach sophisticated know-how, such as yours.

It regrettably turned out that the design of the mail hall was seriously flawed, which drew intense media attention nationwide. The structure sank two meters after completion. As experts continue to help the court determine who is responsible, I myself have been awed by this drama and kept researching it ever since it became known.

My tentative explanation, submitted to take into account the underground water’s power of buoyancy, even though the structure base was put below the waterbed. The structure floated until enough load was mounted. The proper construction method therefore should have involved artificial precipitation until the completion of structure.

Upon graduation in 1996, I joined the Beijing Biggest Co., one of the four largest construction companies in China, and immediately took on management duties as an assistant manger at the construction site. I have supervised steel engineering, concrete engineering and platform engineering for there twenty-three story buildings in the Beijing DD residential area, a total of 60,000 square meters in apartments. In this capacity, I was compelled to learn management skills which had never been taught in the classroom. Although construction management is not what I foresee to be a lifetime pursuit, I executed my duty meticulously and creatively. I became the first construction site manager in the company to conduct experiments comparing box-weir maintenance and the traditional manual watering method. By using box-weir method, weak concrete and cracks in the concrete were eliminated. Through these important, albeit small, steps of improvement, I have derived immense satisfaction.

My vigorous academic training and exposure to intricate design problems and complex construction management issues has stood me in good stead professionally compared to my peers. My plan to further my career through advanced studies stems from self-confidence in my academic calibre and also a strong desire to solve design and construction problems encountered at work. I have researched your program based on the materials I have available to me and decided that advanced studies under your seasoned guidance will be a shortcut for me to reach my goal. I request that you give my application for admission and financial support favourable consideration.

Yours sincerely,

































Dear _,

Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. As a senior at Beijing University majoring in Economics, I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at the same time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree I Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be Economic Development and Public Economics.

In the process of preparing myself for advanced research, I obtained a solid academic background in mathematics, computer science and basic economic theory. In order to enhance my capabilities and further establish my background, I plan to take Probability and Econometrics as my electives during my last semester at Beijing University. During my undergraduate career I was fortunate to be able to audit several advanced graduate level courses taught by overseas professors such as Comparative Economic Systems and Advanced Macroeconomics. These classes not only introduced me to new economic concepts and theories, but also broadened my perspective and gave me new insights into the depth of my field.

After over three years of studying economics and extensive reading in related fields, I have developed my own understanding of the present Chinese economy with system. I feel, and it is an idea shared by many, that the Chinese government is presently struggling to adapt a policy which would peacefully integrate the advantages of a marked economy with the current Socialist system. to a certain extent, I feel that the government has been successful in implementing this aim. However, many problems have yet to be resolved. Chief among these is the problem of rejuvenating and restructuring the large, state-owned enterprises. As a result under the Chinese socialist system, these companies not only lack a spirit of competition, but are also hopelessly overstaffed. There is a definite need to cut back on workers, many of whom are unskilled and present an unnecessary burden on these companies.

The fundamental problem here is that China lacks unemployment and social security programs, which would be able to assist and re-train these workers should they be laid off. As there are no options for them, the companies are forced to retain these laborers, creating a stagnant state which limits both production levels and net profits. While foreign-imported goods and foreign companies were scare in China, this was not a major problem. However, the influx of foreign goods and corporations has forced China into a predicament where it can no longer afford to maintain useless employees for the benefit of the State. Should the situation here continue unchecked, China risks loosing its domestic marked to foreign companies.

These ideas were the result of my field research conducted during my junior year. During that time, I studied first-hand edly China’s system of public economics and found it lacking in many ways. I feel that if China is ever to be a serious competitor in the world market it needs first to develop a more progressive system of public policies. For this, China will have to look to other systems, which have struggled and successfully handled this same problem. My goal is to continue my education in the United States where I can not only witness the dynamics of an economic system different from ours, but also study the ways in which America’s public policy could be adapted and utilized by China.

In terms of global economics, China still has much to learn. The government is far from reconciling itself with many of the principles that underlie the modern market. I also feel that the Chinese situation is unique, and , that in order to be successful, policy makers must take into consideration regional characteristics, historical tradition and social psychology when defining the course of the future. However, it is also essential that the future generations of leaders, administrators and teachers learn from other countries in order to better understand the complexity of China’s role within the global economic situation.

The more China’s economy is prosperous, the more it needs its own economists. Therefore, at the end of my graduate study, I intend to return to my country and contribute to China’s economic progress. My ultimate goal is to teach introducing advanced Western research methods to my country and, if possible, tackle some of the economic problems faced by my country.

I am also applying for overseas graduate study because of the fact that the United States holds the leading position in the research of my chosen field. Your institution, known for its careful and exacting work ethic and nurturing academic atmosphere, is the university I have long admired. I am confident that with your distinguished faculty and recognized facilities, my potential will develop into knowledge and experience beneficial to both the United States and China.

Yours sincerely,












助学金是一种金额、但竞争最激烈的非服务性奖学金,一般情况下如果获得一所学院授予的助学金,便是获得了全奖,即除了免学费杂费、住宿费、保险费、书本费以外,还给获奖学生一定金额作为其个人消费费用(Personal Expenses)。

2.Research Assistantship(RA)


关于 RA,是肯定要缴税的。你一年的薪金,根据中美关于留学生奖学金的协议,前00 是不用缴税的,多出的部分要缴联邦税、州税和地方税,同时各州的要求不同,但一般至少也要缴纳15%。但是在年终,由于学生属于低收入人群,根据美国法律规定,要进行一部分的退税,就是把你缴的税退回一半左右。

3.Teaching Assistantship(TA)

是美国大学给予申请者的一种奖学金形式。Teaching Assistant(TA):助教,一般是1/2 的助教,教课、改作业、批卷子、组织本科学生讨论,一周一般干20 小时的活,任务比较固定。1/2 的意思是一周只需要工作20小时(全职工作是每周40 个小时,20 个小时正好是1/2)。去当TA,但是没有考过TSE 的,一般学校会提前给你TA 培训,这一般会要求你要比其他的人提前入学,不过这个培训也是学校出钱,所以不必担心。

关于 TA,是肯定要缴税的。你一年的薪金,根据中美关于留学生奖学金的协议,前00 是不用缴税的,多出的部分要缴联邦税、州税和地方税,同时各州的要求不同,但一般至少也要缴纳15%。但是在年终,由于学生属于低收入人群,根据美国法律规定,要进行一部分的退税,就是把你缴的税退回一半左右。


Scholarship的数量和金额相对很少,并因学校而异。单独的Scholarship一般都无法达到学生在学校一年所需的各种费用(学费 tuition和生活费living expenses),所以,如果只拿到有限金额的Scholarship是不能叫做全奖的,通常 Scholarship只有几千块钱,连交学费都不够。当然,也有个别资助,虽然叫Scholarship,但和Fellowship的性质是一样的。



Dear _,

I can remember my childhood, playing in the garden and exploring why worms come out when it rained. With the help of my ever growing passion for learning, I have found my way into the world of biology. My parents love education and applied it on both of their children, even at the early stages in their lives. I can clearly remember my mother explaining David Attenborough's 'Life on earth' for me while I was watching it with wonder. Nature has always been an inspiration to me.

I am especially interested in genetics, in particular, the complicated world of DNA. It is not only chromosomes which fascinate me, but also how fantastically human body works. What's more, the relations between all living creatures, from the tiniest bacteria to the biggest ecosystems, make me believe how complex the world can be.

I have always longed to discover the unknown. That leads me to explore everything I confront. No matter how simple something looks to others, I would like to discover it myself. I would rather get my hands dirty than just sit back and see what others are doing.

I have also studied mathematics in high school. It really gave me the chance to learn variety of ways for solving problems. Beside mathematics, I maintained my close contact with biology and used different books as my references like 'Science of Biology' by P. Weisz and R. Keogh. I have always enjoyed presentations by Professor Richard Dawkins. When I was younger, I made use of 'Kingfisher Encyclopedia' very often. I also like physics and have read some parts of Halliday's physics.

One thing which I am very good at is having presentations and conferences. I think after making so many speeches and presentations, I have no problem speaking in front of others. I always try to organize them in a way that everybody can learn something. Most of the presentations I have had in school were about biology.

In addition to learning, I teach English in some language institutes. Teaching from early ages has taught me lots of things which have been very helpful for my everyday social life.

Although I don't talk much, I am not shy at all. I prefer listening to others and learn something rather than talking about things that I might not even have the slightest idea about it. I have learned to respect others because I like them to respect me back. Besides my own personal experiences, the output of my parents' upbringing is that today I admire wisdom, love to learn, feel fit, enjoy the company of good people, admire honesty, look forward to the life's challenges and love to compete. My best criterion, however, is that I am curious and have an eager to learn.

I respect science for the nature of it and not for the degree that I am going to receive. I like to study biology, not to become a university professor, but to discover what is vague for me and others. I have long before realised the better quality of higher education in the UK among other universities in the world, and I like to study there because the universities have such an atmosphere. I had private mathematics classes in English which showed me that I wouldn't have problems with courses taught in English. I am also trying to improve my biological vocabulary by reading biological articles and texts in English.

I like to listen to light music and I have learned to play the guitar and a little piano. It really helps me to relax. Luckily, my father has always believed that a healthy mind is within a healthy body. As a result, we all have been growing pretty fit. I like swimming and orienteering which makes me closer to nature. I like natural parks and fields and jungles, and I also love watching animals, while they are doing their everyday routines.

At the end, I would like to provide that my goal for studying biology is to discover more from the mysterious world of genetics. I hope that one day, human being can control and dominate his own DNA system and choose how he wants his children to be.

Yours sincerely,































新加坡南洋艺术学院已经成长为新加坡的艺术学院,以高质量的课程,创新的教学方法和多样性的艺术创作享有盛誉。文化奖是有新加坡国家总统授予艺术家的奖项。学院提供全方位的全日制 文凭课程和与英国和美国声名卓著的大学 联办的学士学位课程。传授这些课程的都是那些领导艺术届的从业者和把艺术教育作为终身职业的国际导师。

