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Dear _,

In this age of information, economic globalization is subjecting the entire world to an irresistible, all-encompassing and profound transformation. Any single nation has the likelihood to exceed the boundaries of its domestic market, and its natural and human resources to realize an optimum allocation of resources on the international level. By now, a pattern of multinational competition has developed and China ’s accession into the WTO has provided it with a rare opportunity to integrate into the international mainstream economies and to realize its immense development potential. But at the same time China is bound to an important obligation—its solemn promise to abide by all the rules and regulations of trade as agreed upon by all the WTO member countries. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for China to open its market according to prevalent international conventions and practices and bring its mode of economic operation and management, along with relevant laws and regulations, into an international framework until absolute conformity is achieved.

Against such a larger background, the physical and geographical concept of the nationality of an enterprise has been virtually eliminated. The intensification of international competition is bound to create resource allocation on a global scale. How to implement cross-population and trans-cultural management system and comprehensively elevate international competitiveness is a challenging subject that enterprises in developing countries like China have to face. It is precisely based on this recognition that I, now on the verge of completing my undergraduate program, plans to pursue a master’s program in management whereby I may study and research on how international economy operates and how multinational companies apply their effective management.

My four-year undergraduate program in Broadcast and Television Journalism at the Department of Journalism and Information Communication of _ University of Science and Technology has enabled me to acquire an open mentality, acute insights and rich practical experience. I have been the top student of my class, not only because of my consistent No. 1 ranking in terms of academic performance but also because of my role as major organizer of a number of extracurricular activities related to journalistic practices. As vice head of our university’s TV station, I produced a great number of special feature programs. I interned at a local newspaper office and at _ Provincial TV Station, winning a provincial-level award for my journalistic reporting. I was the assistant producer of a special show about _ Province in a serial program “Across China” by _’s Phoenix Cable TV. Through playing different roles, as a student of journalism and working as journalist and TV producer, I have developed an important academic foundation, effective management skills and interpersonal communication. In addition, I have a unique advantage—I have done a second degree in English for Science and Technology. Those factors will be important for my working toward a more advanced degree program.

As a sophomore, I started my bi-degree program in business administration. I prized this important opportunity as I discovered that it is the subject in which my true interest lies. In this program, I have systematically studied all the relevant management courses including Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Market Planning. My academic performance in this program is equally satisfactory. In May 2002, as one of a few student delegates, I participated in the Third MBA Development Forum of China held in the City of _ . I helped my advisor prepare his presentation and I also interviewed leading scholars and experts on MBA in our country. This experience significantly deepened my understanding of management and broadened academic perspectives.

My distinguished academic performance in the first three years has qualified me for a direct master’s program in journalism in my Alma Mater. However, I am very clear about my academic interest and my future career objectives. Therefore I have relinquished the offer in favor of applying for a more advanced education in management. As a discipline western in origin, management science is undoubtedly a field of study whose teaching and research western universities are most good at. Therefore, I am determined to apply for a Master’s program The London School of Economics and Political Science,arguably the better of the best western universities in social sciences. Your esteemed university enjoys a unique academic position and an unparalleled academic reputation in the western world, with a large number of leading scholars working in their respective fields. Situated in London where one can witness distinctive cultural parallelism, it will not only teach me the most updated professional knowledge but also ample sociological understanding of its cultural diversity. 

In my proposed study, I will contribute my research talents because I possess experience of participating in a major research project. For an entire year from December 2002 to December 2003, as the sole undergraduate of the research group, I took part in the Study of _ City’s Specialized Water Management System, which is part of the country’s “863” key scientific and technological research program undertaken by _ Bluewater Science and Technology Company. I performed field study of the water resources in the _ region of _ City and the wealth of statistics that I collected and codified provided valuable reference materials for the entire research group. In addition, I proposed that BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)could be employed to construct a small-scale waste-water treatment plant. The most important role I played was the substantive research I carried out for the topic on Lake Management System and the research report that I co-authored. Prof. _X, the leader of the research group, praised me as “demonstrating impressive professional dedication and sound research potential, with strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.”

I have lived a colorful extracurricular life. Learning dancing in my childhood, I became the leader of the dancing team of our university’s art troupe, and launched traveling performances in neighboring provinces. Representing _ Province, I participated in China ’s First National Dancing Contest for University Students, at which I won the third prize. Moreover, as a key member on the Student Management Committee of our university’s library, I organized a campus-wide book-reading festival. In 2001, as one of the five delegates of our university, I attended the New Millennium Administrative Elites Training Program jointly sponsored by _ Chinese University and _ General Chamber of Commerce. I have been working as a secretary at the International Exchange Department of _ University of Science and Technology where I am responsible for receiving foreign delegations, offering consultations and arranging lectures and academic conference. Based on those experiences, I will continue contributing my extracurricular talents.

In this age of increasing specialization, I hope to develop myself into a specialist on human resource management with the best training from one of the world’s best academic institutes. Therefore, receiving a quality education from _ will be a vital step to my personal and career development and to the fulfillment of this long-cherished aspiration of mine.

Yours sincerely,











申请学校日语认证的证书是不能够少的,需要大家参加标准的考试,才能够拿到证书,可以先选择N2 的考试,通过后再冲刺N1的考试,或者可以选择JTSET的考试,都是受认可的。



























Dear _,

Having a flair for Economics and accounting I have decided that I want a degree in Accounting and Finance or Management. The many brilliant representatives of the management community around the world have strengthened that resolve.

When I worked in my school as a tutor of English as a Second Language for students from a community school in Muscat, I realized the importance of a strong leader who could organize, command respect, and be able to work well with others. These ideas were further enforced by my month long internship at Novartis Pharmaceutical (Accounts and Finance Department and Human Resources Department).

I attended the Harvard Model Congress in Paris and won the Award of Distinction. One skill in particular that contributed to this award was my confident public speaking.

The last 4 months have been crucial in my learning of real world business and economics. For my IB Extended Essay, titled “To What Extent Does Subway in Oman Operate as an Oligopoly”, I set out to prove the oligpolistic structure of the fast food market in Oman. In this effort, I have come across many real life complexities in pricing behaviour, profit making and other aspects of the Theory of the Firm. While attempting to explain these alternate theories of firms I have developed a keen interest in analyzing and understanding how the world of business works.

After an undergraduate degree in accounting and finance or management I plan to go onto post graduate studies and work on an MBA. A strong performance in a BA will allow me to move onto an MBA and only then shall I be satisfied.

For the last four years I have been part of our schools volleyball team ICE. We have retained our ISAC (Inter Schools Activities Conference, Middle East) title for four years. Playing in the power hitters (spiker) position requires immense physical fitness and to accomplish that I regularly go to the gym for fitness training. I am also part of my school track and field team. Being the fastest sprinter in the school since 11th grade the 100m, 200m and 400m races are my specialty even though I still pursue long distance running. In my spare time I explore and master the computer as I am conversant with a Visual Basic Programming course. It is imperative for me to have the latest hardware and software and I make it a point to install everything myself. I also learn Urdu as it is my native tongue and a link to my culture, to maintain that is crucial.

Living in a diverse international community of over 52 nationalities has allowed to me recognize and appreciate different cultures. With the experience I have and the strong motivation to craft a bright future I feel I can justify my decision to pursue a career in Accounting and Finance or Management.

Yours sincerely,






















































(1) 进入公立大学




(2) 进入私立大学




外国学生基本收费是 第一年1.8万元—3.6万元人民币左右/每学期。










































Dear _,

In China as in the _, one can easily give up the career of a language teacher to become a lawyer or a businessman. I, however, gave up a promising legal and business career to become a language teacher, but I have never regretted it. In fact, the more I teach, the more committed I am to teaching. But not just teaching. Having battled with China’s traditional mode of teaching for several years, I now would like to help improve teaching in China by introducing new and more effective instructional technology and media into the country. For that, I would like to pursue an advanced degree in education in your country.

Now an English teacher at the training center of the China National Container Corporation, I graduated in 1995 from the Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing, where I majored in business law. At this highly respected higher-learning institution, I received broad training that was both rigorous and vigorous. After four years of undergraduate studies, the strong logic inherent in law translated into strong logic in my thinking. With the knowledge and skills I attained in the law program, I boast the kind of intellectual maturity that would help me whatever I do. But law was never my first choice for a profession.

Starting from my high school days, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher. In the second year of high school, we once had to write an essay on the topic “what do you want to do when you grow up”. I proudly wrote, “I want to be a teacher!” But my parents shattered my dream by insisting that I pursue another profession. My father, an engineer with a Ph. D. degree, and my mother, a university teacher of English, had their reasons. Chinese teachers, particularly those teaching at the primary and secondary levels, are poorly paid and begrudgingly respected. Being young and inexperienced in the world, I acceded to their wishes when I was choosing my major for the university.

But my passion for teaching was not to be stifled forever. Giver any opportunity, it would burst out. Upon graduation with an LL. B. Degree, I first took up the position of a supervisor with the China National Container Corporation in charge of its Overseas Sales Department. As the job entailed frequent translation and interpretation between Chinese and English, I persisted in improving my English proficiency by attending various training courses and learning it on my own. My command of the foreign tongue became so good that, after about one year, I began to teach it to my colleagues on a full-time basis at the company’s training center. After a huge detour, my career finally got back on track.

What makes teaching so enjoyable to me is that it is a learning experience. I enjoy it the most when my students ask difficult questions, particularly questions that I have to think long and hard to answer. I also enjoy posing questions to students, but my questions are never intended to intimidate the students or even test their knowledge but rather designed to stimulate their minds. In the constant exchange of questions and answers, students and teachers improve themselves alike to the credit of the old Chinese saying: To teach is to learn. In my three years of teaching, I really have learned a great deal.

One of the things I have learned is the ability to not only deal with but also strike an accord with people of different backgrounds. My students at the training center are all adults accomplished in a variety of roles and professions. In most cases, they are older than I am. While I stand as their equals, I have served as their mentors and role models the same way as most teachers do their students. By so doing, I have won their trust and confidence in what I teach, which has helped to make my teaching powerful and effective.

To take full advantage of my teaching skills, I started in October 1996 to teach English and other subjects at the primary school I attended when I was a child. As the children I teach are at the age when I studied here, I am particularly sensitive to their needs and appreciative of their potential. Together with other teachers, I designed various training programs in calligraphy, art, writing, mental calculation, and English, programs that combine learning with entertainment. The kids n my class are now learning more and faster thanks to the fun they find everyday in my programs.

Entertainment is, however, by no means just a ploy I use to sweeten the bitter pill of learning for the children, but rather has its own intrinsic value. While kids can hardly learn well without being able to have fun, the lack of fun hurts more than the kids’ ability to learn. It can impair the kids’ emotional and psychological health to an extent that no amount of knowledge and skills drab teaching force-feeds into them can make up. Entertainment is therefore part and parcel of what we teachers have to provide to children if we are to help them grow up into productive members of the society. The way I see entertainment, it should be considered an end in education.

As China’s education is oriented overwhelmingly towards helping kids pass exams, entertainment is about the least on the mind of an average teacher or principal. In the rush to produce super kids as measured by the grades out of exams, the purpose of education is lost all too often. The curriculum is limited to subjects covered by mandatory exams. Students are seldom encouraged to come up with original ideas. Interaction between teachers and students is kept at a minimum in the classroom. The teachers compete to heap homework on the students, as do the parents. While everybody is tired to death, few kids get armed with the ability to take initiatives or solve real-world problems. It is high time that fresh approaches were brought in.

One of the ways to make a change to the Chinese classroom is to utilize new technologies and media of teaching. School authorities in China, as those elsewhere, increasingly realize the importance of computerization, and many of the better-off schools in China are already stacked with state-of-the-art computers. But reports say only a tiny fraction of those computers are adequately utilized. The situation with other educational technologies and media is no better. They are either absent from the school sitting or vastly under-used. Few Chinese teachers have acquired the know-how or the drive to make use of these modern facilities.

I therefore would like to pursue first a master’s degree and then a Ph. D. degree in instructional technology and media in the United States, where the use of modern educational facilities is undoubtedly the most advanced in the world. Judging by the information I have culled from your, website I think your institution is an American leader in the research and studies of this field. I am anxious to study under the seasoned guidance of your distinguished faculty. I hope that, after I complete my advanced training in your program, I can be a much more effective teacher in China, one that sets an example for all other Chinese teachers.

Yours sincerely,











申请学校日语认证的证书是不能够少的,需要大家参加标准的考试,才能够拿到证书,可以先选择N2 的考试,通过后再冲刺N1的考试,或者可以选择JTSET的考试,都是受认可的。



















Dear _,

A Chinese graduate student of composite materials, I would like to pursue Ph. D. studies in a program in which I can do advanced inter-disciplinary research that is built upon my expertise in both chemical engineering and composite materials. I find that your program is one of the few where such research is possible.

I am due to complete my Master's studies next year at the Beijing Institute of Light Industry, a well-respected higher-learning institution that has served as a major cradle of engineering talents for light industries in this country. Majoring in structural mechanics of composites, I have focused my studies on honeycomb sandwich and its applications for civilian purposes. Although I did not take many of the traditional undergraduate courses in this field, my graduate studies have proceeded well. Building on my extensive working experience with all kinds of materials, I have completed a host of projects, as listed in the Appendix, that are not only technologically advanced but also commercially profitable. My research has been highly commended by the school.

To accomplish what I have accomplished, I have had to be more intelligent and overcome more difficulties than most of my classmates, for I did not get to receive a regular undergraduate education. Although I performed strongly in the 1988 National University Entrance Examinations and met the requirements for university acceptance, I did not craft a good enough strategy in applying to the universities. As a result, my application fell through cracks, leaving me only the opportunity to study in a two-year college program, not to be discouraged by this mishap, I studied with diligence and creativity, and succeeded in firmly grounding myself in the studies of material propensities and structures. When I completed that program, I was as capable as most graduates from the honors program in handling practical material problems from the angle of chemistry.

Upon graduation in 1990,I first took up the job of an assistant engineer in a biochemistry pharmaceutical manufacturer, where I was in charge of the development and analysis of several lines of products. I was given the responsibility for VD Calcium Tablet in the first two weeks, as I demonstrated that I was able to do independent research, particularly in terms of quantitative analysis and microbiology inspection, from five raw materials to semi-made and finished products. As my talents showed up, I took charge of the production and inspection of more and more products. Towards the end of 1991, I was awarded the honor of Excellent Employee in the factory of almost two thousand people in recognition of my contribution to its business.

Armed with the ability to quickly grasp the essence of new things, I made even more contribution to my second employer, a Joint-Venture Company of cosmetics. In this company, In the first two months after I was hired, I established, with reference to both the ISO and national standards,. The company's standards of packaging materials for 35 different products from corrugated box to paper lid, from glass bottle to plastic cover. During the first half year, I turned myself from just a user of cosmetics to quality engineer of cosmetic actively engaged in R. & D. Three new products (Elysee Vitamin E Cream, Elysee Tonique and Elysee Lipbalm) I helped to develop were recognized as Provincial Scientific Achievements, for which I was conferred three certificates of Honor. I believe that when one embarks on a new career, he should be quick in accepting changes even though he must still stick to his old principles.

In these six years of working experience, I greatly improved myself in terms of technological expertise. I made chemical and microbiological examinations of different drugs skillfully and independently, successfully developed several new types of cosmetics, some of which merited the designation of Provincial Scientific Achievements. But more importantly, I learned to ask more sophisticated questions and then answer them.

The years of being an engineer has taught me how to be a person. I learned to be both a team leader and a team player. Working in conjunction with others, I have always held onto the principle of being honest, modest and helpful to others, whether I was just a technician, an engineer or even the assistant to the general manager. I enjoy working with other people. I have been well liked by my colleagues. At the farewell parties for me, some of my friends were so reluctant to say goodbye to me that they would burst into tears.

While working for the Chinese factory, I was once borrowed by a college to teach there as an adjunct instructor for half a year. During those months, I often worked late to check students' work and prepare for the next day's classes. I believe that this teaching experience will serve me well should you be able to offer me the position of a teaching assistant.

At the graduate school, I have met new challenges the old way. I first acquired a profound understanding of the basic concepts and theories of mechanics (theoretical and material ones), and then applied the fundamentals to my major: composites. As you can see from the from the transcripts of academic record, this approach paid off. My first academic article Honeycomb Sandwich Composite will be published in the second edition of the Journal of Beijing Institute of Light Industry of 1998. Now I am writing my Master's Degree thesis, in which I shall compare the mechanical properties of corrugated cores and honeycomb cores, analyze the outstanding characters of the latter, establish the standards of civil-use honeycomb fiberboard, and consider the marketing future of honeycomb fiberboard.

I am confident that the combination of my extensive working experience and my solid academic training has adequately prepared me for advanced studies in my chosen field of specialty in your distinguished program. To undertake such studies, I have learned English well, so well that I was appointed first the English secretary to the factory's director and then the assistant to the joint-venture's general manager. In these positions, I dealt with international visitors and handled English documents. Such English proficiency should prove a great advantage to me once I am enrolled in your program.

Although I am now focusing my academic interests on composite materials, you may find that I may be more suitable for other majors. If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could advise me accordingly.

Yours sincerely,


























Dear _,

In connection with my application for acceptance into your Ph.D. program, I am enclosing the following statement concerning my life, professional activities, and tentative future plans.

I was born in Xiamen, Fujian Province in China on November 8, 1969. Later, my family moved to Beijing where I grew up. I am from a family of academics. My father is a professor of linguistics and Chief of the University Journal Agency of Beijing Language and Culture University (formerly Beijing Language Institute). My mother is a professor at the same university and teaches Chinese as a foreign language. From 1991 to 1993, my mother taught Chinese at Wittenberg University, Ohio and Indiana University at Bloomington. She encouraged me to apply for admission to advanced programs in the U.S.

I graduated from high school in 1988, and received the highest scores in my school at the National Entrance Examination for Universities. This made me an “Honor Student” at the national level. Upon acceptance to Beijing Language and Culture University, my major became English, with minors in linguistics, French and computer science. I was awarded consecutive scholarships for all four years in college. During my college years, I became more and more interested in linguistics. My senior year was largely devoted to topics in linguistics, and my required thesis work focused on the influence of cultural and educational factors upon the Chinese and English languages.

After college, Beijing Science & Technology University employed me. For the first year and a half I was assigned to a project aimed at creating improved computer program for idiomatic English-Chinese & Chinese-English translations. This project proved me with considerable experience linguistics, and further improved my understanding of the subtleties of both English and Chinese.

Since the project completion, I have been teaching intensive English courses at Beijing Science and Technology University. Since July of 1993, I have taught English listening comprehension at Beijing Language and Culture University. The latter classes are part of a program that provides adult Chinese professionals with opportunity to improve their English.

My interest in linguistics is initially based on my desire to better comprehend the English language, and, in the process, learn more about my own language. China is now opening and engaging in ever expanding cultural and financial relations with the English-speaking countries of the West. It has struck me, as it may have occurred to many of my compatriots that negotiations to bring about these new and improved relations sometimes break down because of mutual ignorance about each other’s languages. I am aware that this has been a popular problem for study, among Americans engaging in business and other fields, but I am not aware of any serious attempt to research this problem from a Chinese point of view.

Through my work in the U.S., I would hope to contribute to a better understanding of the problems inherent in the deep differences between the two languages.

I recognize that a thesis project in most graduate schools is chosen after on has studied in various programs in a department and after extensive discussion with one’s professors. Nevertheless, I would hope that investigating socio-cultural differences between English and Chinese might be considered a suitable topic. Such a study would focus on the cultural, historical, traditional and educational factors, which influence the two languages, and significantly contribute to possible misinterpretations.

My long-term plan is to continue working on comparative aspects of English and Chinese linguistics. I strongly desire to work in an academic environment combining teaching, research and writing.

I heard that your English/Linguistics Department has a reputation for academic excellence. I am applying to your program because I desire the best education possible for my professional career.

Yours sincerely,


































Dear _,

Currently a student of chemistry at the Beijing Normal University, I am scheduled to graduate in June 1998 with a B. S. degree. The university has offered, on the basis of my outstanding academic record, to exempt me from the usually mandatory examinations for graduate studies, should I decide to join its M. S. program. After weighing all the pros and cons, I now prefer to pursue my graduate studies with your university, as I think it will put me on better footing for my career.

My interest in science in general and chemistry in particular was first fostered by my family, which has, for several generations, been made up of professionals. My grandfather graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Doctoral degree in engineering, a highly unusual accomplishment for a citizen of mainland China in those years. My father, a professor of mathematics, was my main source of inspiration during the three years when I studied with the Beijing Mathematics Olympic School. My mother, a senior engineer of chemical engineering, was the motivation behind me as I participated in a variety of scientific activities such as the Solar Energy Club. Such a family environment has bestowed on me a gift for natural science that I have never failed to take advantage of. It has been my dream to become an outstanding expert in the field of chemistry.

Since I entered into the university over three years ago, I have studied diligently and conscientiously. With that, I have acquired a solid background in chemistry, mathematics and physics. With an overall GPA of 92. 29/100, I have, for three years running, kept myself as the very top student among the 114 undergraduates of my grade. I have not confined myself to my coursework, however. I have frequented the library and probably read more chemistry literature than most of other students. By satisfying my thirst for more knowledge, I have kept myself abreast of the new developments in chemistry around the world. I have also excelled in mastering foreign languages. Although I have never majored in the study of any particular language, my English proficiency has been improved to a point where it is comparable to that of most English majors in Chinese universities, and for that, I have been exempted from having to take an English course in the upper years. In recognition of my consistent excellence, I have been awarded the First-Class Excellent Academic Scholarship for three year.

Education at the Beijing Normal University emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience. In the summer of 1995, I joined Professor Tian's team to work o the synthesis of inorganic materials. In 1996, professor Guo made me a member of his research team, which gave me good exposure to unsymmetrical synthesis. I am now carrying out (sophisticated) experiment under the direction of Dr. Wang. Through these arrangements, I have gained good experiences in laboratory research and greatly improved my skills for scientific experimentation. Starting from the beginning of next semester, I will be writing my graduation paper under the seasoned guidance of professor (zhong kexue), a research fellow from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

As the Beijing Normal University specializes in training teachers, I have also taken quite a number of general education courses, such as phycology, pedagogy and teaching methods. And earlier this year, I was awarded the Excellent Teaching Assistantship for my outstanding performance during the internship at a high school.

I did not allow my heavy load of study to deter me from taking part in extracurricular activities. As the chair of the charity survives committee on campus, I honed my organizing skills and augmented my work efficiency. Convinced that the meaning of life comes from helping others, I have always been most obliging whenever anyone comes to me for help, which has won me lots of friends. Such personality, combined with my intellectual vigor and determination, should stand me ready for any challenges.

I am applying for acceptance into your program because I know that your country has leading the way in the development of chemistry, and I would like to put myself on the cutting edge of the field. I believe that your graduate school can offer the kind of academic quality and environment that I need. I am particularly interested in analytical and physical chemistry, as I have been fascinate by both its theoretical foundations and its practical promise. I am also interested in polymer chemistry and environmental chemistry. The completion of graduate studies with your program will not only enable me to realize my most cherished childhood dream but also put me in a much better position to serve my country.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could give favorable consideration to my application for acceptance and financial aid.

Yours sincerely,

































Dear _,

Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. As a senior at Beijing University majoring in Economics, I feel that my field is fundamental to the progress of my country. Yet, at the same time, I realize only too well that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a graduate degree I Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be Economic Development and Public Economics.

In the process of preparing myself for advanced research, I obtained a solid academic background in mathematics, computer science and basic economic theory. In order to enhance my capabilities and further establish my background, I plan to take Probability and Econometrics as my electives during my last semester at Beijing University. During my undergraduate career I was fortunate to be able to audit several advanced graduate level courses taught by overseas professors such as Comparative Economic Systems and Advanced Macroeconomics. These classes not only introduced me to new economic concepts and theories, but also broadened my perspective and gave me new insights into the depth of my field.

After over three years of studying economics and extensive reading in related fields, I have developed my own understanding of the present Chinese economy with system. I feel, and it is an idea shared by many, that the Chinese government is presently struggling to adapt a policy which would peacefully integrate the advantages of a marked economy with the current Socialist system. to a certain extent, I feel that the government has been successful in implementing this aim. However, many problems have yet to be resolved. Chief among these is the problem of rejuvenating and restructuring the large, state-owned enterprises. As a result under the Chinese socialist system, these companies not only lack a spirit of competition, but are also hopelessly overstaffed. There is a definite need to cut back on workers, many of whom are unskilled and present an unnecessary burden on these companies.

The fundamental problem here is that China lacks unemployment and social security programs, which would be able to assist and re-train these workers should they be laid off. As there are no options for them, the companies are forced to retain these laborers, creating a stagnant state which limits both production levels and net profits. While foreign-imported goods and foreign companies were scare in China, this was not a major problem. However, the influx of foreign goods and corporations has forced China into a predicament where it can no longer afford to maintain useless employees for the benefit of the State. Should the situation here continue unchecked, China risks loosing its domestic marked to foreign companies.

These ideas were the result of my field research conducted during my junior year. During that time, I studied first-hand edly China’s system of public economics and found it lacking in many ways. I feel that if China is ever to be a serious competitor in the world market it needs first to develop a more progressive system of public policies. For this, China will have to look to other systems, which have struggled and successfully handled this same problem. My goal is to continue my education in the United States where I can not only witness the dynamics of an economic system different from ours, but also study the ways in which America’s public policy could be adapted and utilized by China.

In terms of global economics, China still has much to learn. The government is far from reconciling itself with many of the principles that underlie the modern market. I also feel that the Chinese situation is unique, and , that in order to be successful, policy makers must take into consideration regional characteristics, historical tradition and social psychology when defining the course of the future. However, it is also essential that the future generations of leaders, administrators and teachers learn from other countries in order to better understand the complexity of China’s role within the global economic situation.

The more China’s economy is prosperous, the more it needs its own economists. Therefore, at the end of my graduate study, I intend to return to my country and contribute to China’s economic progress. My ultimate goal is to teach introducing advanced Western research methods to my country and, if possible, tackle some of the economic problems faced by my country.

I am also applying for overseas graduate study because of the fact that the United States holds the leading position in the research of my chosen field. Your institution, known for its careful and exacting work ethic and nurturing academic atmosphere, is the university I have long admired. I am confident that with your distinguished faculty and recognized facilities, my potential will develop into knowledge and experience beneficial to both the United States and China.

Yours sincerely,
























