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优秀英语作文 公园应该收费吗?Should The Park Charge?(收藏)


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3.参考词汇:门票 entrance fee

Dear Editor,


I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.


Opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believe a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.


On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggest, however, fees should be charged low.


Yours truly,

Li Hua



大学生英语作文:免费进入公园好吗?Is It Good to Open the Park For Free(收藏)

Every city has many theme parks, the local people like to go to the park for a walk or take some exercise. In China, most parks are free, people can go there without charge, but still some other parks need to charge. People urge that all the parks should be free, while I think it will do harm to the park.


One the one hand, opening the parks for free encourages people to go to the park for entertainment. Most people have the habit to take a walk after dinner, so it can help them to keep their bodies healthy. The children can have fun with their friends, too. The parks provide people so much fun, so it is good for people to go to there for free.


On the other hand, too many people go to the parks will do harm to the environment. Some people will throw away their trash away, the environment will be polluted. What’s more, the crowed people will make people have less space for them to have fun.


For me, I think it is not good to open the parks for free, it needs to control the number of people, so we can protect the environment.


精彩英语作文:我们应该限制私家车吗?Should We Put A Limit on Private Cars?(收藏)

With the rapiddevelopment of Chinese economic and the improvement of living standards ofordinary people, more and more private cars are on road. Some people thinkprivate cars can bring great convenience to the owners while others argue thatgovernment should put a limit on private cars. In my humble opinion, we shouldput a limit on private cars.


First of all, themore private cars, the more traffic jams. If people stuck on a traffic jam, itwill cost them a lot of time, some people even late for work. What’s more,nowadays finding a parking spot is much harder than before because there aretoo many cars on streets. Sometimes you just arrive at the destination, but youjust cannot find a place to park your car. The place is so crowded that youhave to park in other place which may be far away from your destination.


Secondly, theprice of gasoline and repairs are constantly rising, not to mention the pricesfor the insurance and the fear of being stolen. If you do not make enoughmoney, you can barely pay for the fees of the cars. This can cause great burdento your daily life.


Last but notleast, the cars produce tens of thousands of carbon dioxide, which will creategreenhouse effect and other serious environmental pollution. Someenvironmentalists predict that in the next few years, the ozone layer willfully disappear and will increase the rate of getting skin cancer. And the airwe breathe in is not as pure as before, do we really need to sacrifice ourfuture to enjoy the so called convenience?


Due to thesereason, I think people should think twice before they buy a private car. Weshould not only consider the increasing cost of owning a car, but also shouldthink about the future we have. It’s not only a personal thing, but also thewhole country, the whole world.


英语范文:小孩应该吃汉堡包吗 Should Children Be Allowed to Eat Hamburgers(收藏)

With the wide spread ofhamburger Restaurant, especially the McDonald and KFC, our children are exposedto these kinds of high calorie food.Therefore,some people worry that if our children eat too much hamburgers, then they wouldgain weight quite easily. Some people argue that hamburgers do no bad tochildren’s health. Standing on my point of view, I suggest that children shouldn't eat hamburgers. Reasons are listed below.


Firstof all, eating hamburgers leads to fat. It is known to all that all thehamburgers are junk food containing high calorie and high fat while lownutrition. If our children eat them often, then they will be gaining weight easily.What’s worse, they will be dystrophic so as to affect body development.


Secondly, eating hamburgers often willcause cancer. Most hamburgers are fried food. It is investigated that if we eatfried food often, then we will be easy to get cancer.


All in all, though hamburgers are populararound the world, they are classified into the circle of junk food because itwill lead to fat and even cause cancer if our children eat too many. So, weshouldn’t take our children to eat hamburgers.


精彩英语作文:学生应该兼职吗?Should Students Take Part-time Jobs?(必备)

Should students take part-time jobs?


Although still much lower than in foreign countries, the percentage of university students taking part-time jobs in China is on the increase. Some people criticize these students on the ground that part-time jobs distract转移 students' attention and expose students too early to the issue of money. However, I firmly believe that working during university education can be very beneficial to students.


First of all, taking part-time jobs can help reduce the financial burden of the students' families. Generally speaking, the income of most parents is not very high. As many universities are increasing their tuition, the education of their children is becoming an increasingly heavy burden for many parents. Some parents in the cities find it hard to pay this cost, not to mention those parents in the countryside. But if students can take some part-time jobs, their income can cover part of the expenditure, thus lowering the burden of their parents. One of my classmates pays for daily expenses completely from his own bearings, and both his parents and he are very proud of it.


Furthermore, taking part-time jobs can teach students much about hardship. Chinese students are mostly the only child at home, and their requests are usually met at any cost. This advantage actually deprives these children of the opportunity to experience hardship, which can teach them a lot about the society. By taking some part-time jobs, students can not only learn that it is hard to earn even a little money, but also learn to cultivate a correct viewpoint about life.


Most importantly, doing part-time jobs can sharpen students' awareness of the society. If students spend all their time on study, they will not have sufficient understanding of the society, and this insufficient knowledge may be dangerous when these students leave university for the society. But through part-time work, students will not only get a good understanding of the society and prepare themselves psychologically for the future career and life, but gain much experience in dealing with realities and people of different kinds.


It is true that taking part-time jobs will take away some time that can be spent on study and that it is not good for students to focus their mind on money. But it is equally true that taking part-time jobs can bring students the benefits of less financial burden, more experience of hardship as well as more awareness of the society. They definitely surpass the harms of the work. What we should do is to teach students to arrange their time well and not to focus too much on money, and then encourage them to take part-time jobs.


精彩英语作文:中国应该鼓励私家车吗? Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?【推荐】

With the rapid development of economy in China, more and more people own their private cars. Different people have different opinions. Some people think that too many private cars may cause more traffic jams and pollute the air, while others believe that people should be encouraged to have private cars. As far as I am concerned, I think private cars have more advantages than disadvantages.


First of all, private cars offer people convenience. With your car, you can go to any place at any time. You just don’t have to wait for the bus or taxi. Unlike bus is always full of people and taxi is expensive, private cars is less crowned and more flexible. During the rush hour, you don’t need to worry could not get in a bus or waste too many money on taxi.


Second, traveling by cars is very comfortable. During the Spring Festival, the going-back home tickets are very difficult to get. But if you have a private car, you can go home immediately without worrying there is no ticket any more. What’s more, the private cars reduce the pressure of the public transportation during the rush hours. When you driving in your own car, you will feel more comfortable and relaxed. I guess it’s the greatest advantage of the private car.


Last but not least, the producing of cars triggers the industries of steel and glass production. It provides people lots of job opportunities. And it makes great contribution to the growth of GDP.


In conclusion, I think owning a car has more advantages than disadvantages. If you can afford one, then you should have it.


Should English class be canceled in primary school? 小学应该取消英语课吗?【推荐】

Today, there isa general discussion about the issue of cancel the English class in primaryschool, because now people in growing number are beginning to realize that we don’tactually use English that much after we graduate from university, except for Englishteacher or translator. Besides, more and more people are inclined to payattention to traditional Chinese literature and virtues.


People whoagree with cancel the English class argue that there are too many Chinesepeople do not know about Chinese traditional literature and virtues, all theycare about is foreign literature and foreign language. It might lead to a decayof Chinese traditional literature. What’s more, now parents are care too muchfor money making, they ignore the education of Chinese traditional virtues tochildren, lots of young students doesn’t know what exactly it is. People thinkwe should cancel English class and open course of the Chinese traditionalliterature and virtues.


People whoagainst cancel English class hold the opinion that the best age of learningforeign language is in primary school, when people are getting old, age-relateddeclines in memory and the ability to process information quickly. Incidentally,people advocate in line with international standards, since English has beenwidely used as a second language in many countries, we will have a big chanceto use it in some way. Hence, we should learn it when we are young, or we willfind it hard after we grow up.


On the whole, Ithink we should not cancel English class in primary school. As to the Chinesetraditional literature issue, we could open a course about that, so that our elementaryschool students can learn both.


大学生英语作文:大学生应该创业吗?Should College Students Do business?(必备)

According the least report, many students start their own business in order to get prepared for the future. Some students run on-line shops, some students start their own company. Their teachers and classmates have different opinions about this phenomenon. Some thought that have such experience can help them adapt better to society after graduation, while other said that running shops may occupy too much of the students’ time and energy. As far as I concern, I think doing business can benefit the students to some degree.


Fist of all, running shops may bring some profit to the students, in this way, the students can reduce their family’s burden. Since the fee of the university is not that cheap. Second, when students do business, they can acquire professional knowledge, accounting skills and enhance their personal communication skills. For instance, to running a shop, they may use what they learn form the textbooks. Last but not least, these experience can give them strength when they apply for a job because they have related experience. By doing business with others, they can learn how to cooperate with others and become more competitive in the job market.


To sum up, I think students should do business if they have the chance. It’s a good way to enhance personal abilities. I believe the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.


作文推荐 大学生应该结婚吗? Should collage students get merried?(参考)

There is a newly dissension putting forward these days: Is it legally allowed for Chinese on-campus students to get married before they complete their courses? Some people prefer "yes" while some others prefer "no". Certainly a large number of people just cannot decide which side they should be stand.


In fact, the governments allow on-campus students to get married before they complete their course. There isn' t a regulation proclaimed in writing to forbid marriage of on-campus students. But it must affect those triers.In my opinion, it is unnecessary to forbid on-campus students to get married before they finished their college, however, it shouldn' t be advocated or encouraged. Because, for on-campus students, they play the role as learners. Their main task is to learn. If they married, their school work must be affected and they may not graduate favorably or may not be capable for future works. So, I believe: almost all on-campus students would deal with the question reasoningly .


英语范文:Should Parents Keep Their Children Accompany In School? 父母应该陪读吗?【精】

In big cities, there is a phenomenon that some parents decide to leave their jobs to keep their children accompany in school when their children reach Senior Grade Three. There are both advantages and disadvantages over this action.


On the one hand, it is convenient for parents to take care of their children. They can help their children to do some basic things, such as washing clothes so that their children can get more time to study. Living nearly or live with their children, they can save much time on the way between home and school. In addition, parents are able to observe the changes in their children’s mood and give them some leads in time so that their children would not so easier to feel confused and disappointed when they meet some troubles.


However, on the other hand, this kind of action also has some negative impacts on their children. In the first place, it enhances their children’s dependence upon their parents, which increases the difficulty in developing children’s ability of independence. Second, parent’s keeping their children accompany in school gives more pressure to their children unconsciously, which is opposite to parents’ original intention. Finally, living with parents all the time leads to lack of communication with their peers and classmates, and that’s not good for children’s integrated development.


As far as I am concerned, it is unnecessary for parents to keep their children accompany in school in that living alone is ultimately a basic skill everyone should master.


优秀英语作文 Should We Buy iPhone 我们应不应该购买苹果手机【推荐】

iPhone is made in USA, but extremely popular in China. It is public cognition that iPhone is a high level smart product. It is good but expensive. Some people even joke that they will sell one of their kidney to buy an iPhone. Though it is a joke, it respects a social phenomenon that people’s desire to buy a expensive cellphone. Should we buy it? I think it depends on people’s own financial ability.

iPhone是美国产的手机,却在中国异常受欢迎。在公众的认知中iPhone是一个高端的智能产品。它很好却也很贵。有些人甚至开玩笑说他们要卖掉一个肾来买一个iPhone手机。尽管这是一个玩笑,却也反映出了一种社会现象,那就是人们对买一个昂贵手机的欲望。 我们应不应该购买苹果手机?我认为这要看个人的经济实力。

One the one hand, we all know that iPhone is a kind of status symbol in people’s mind, so some people just want to show off to buy an iPhone that is not necessary, especially for those have economy annoyance. As you are not rich enough, you will gain burden to your life if you buy a cellphone about 6,000 RMB. And what you use it to do is the same as other cheaper phone. The purpose you buy it just for flaunt. If you are this kind of people, please do not buy an iPhone, because life is much important than face.


One the other hand, if you are a rich people, just buy one, as it is good to use in some point. Its hard software and system are better than some other phone. After all, you have money, then you can do whatever you want with money.


In conclusion, before we decide to buy an iPhone or not, what we need to think is our own situation.
